Closed zoumi closed 3 years ago
You have ignored the issue template and you have not uploaded minimal vimrc. We have not ESP skills.
Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the reproduction instructions.
Please read the issue template header. I already have warned.
@Shougo The extra space is added at in the first loop a indent is added to variable_texts and in the second loop: variable_texts.append('') before exec the line 767 the content of variable_texts is [" ",""]
I don't think this is desired.
I don't think this is desired.
It is desired. The padding is needed. Because if it is not exists, defx cannot align columns.
And why do you ignore my issue template. Please describe it for me. I need to reproduce your problem.
Ah, I get the problem. I have reproduced.
I have reproduced the problem with my minimal vimrc. So I can fix it. But it does not mean you don't need to upload minimal vimrc.
Your fix works with default configuration. But it does not work with the config.
call defx#custom#column('icon', {
\ 'directory_icon': '+',
\ 'opened_icon': '-',
\ 'root_icon': ' ',
\ })
Hm... No magic.
Sorry for ignoring the issue template. The reason is: If you can't locate the bug at your first glance, I will try to debug it myself. But I'm really sorry for not pasting my defx's config.
call defx#custom#option('_', {
\ 'winwidth': 30,
\ 'split': 'vertical',
\ 'direction': 'botright',
\ 'show_ignored_files': 0,
\ 'buffer_name': '',
\ 'columns' : 'indent:git:filename:type',
\ 'toggle': 0,
\ 'resume': 1,
\ 'root_marker':'@'
\ })
function! s:my_defx_settings() abort
setl nonu
setl norelativenumber
setl shiftwidth=1
setl foldmethod=indent
" Define mappings
autocmd! FileType defx call s:my_defx_settings()
I didn't use defx-git. But put it in "columns" doesn't matter.
If you can't locate the bug at your first glance, I will try to debug it myself.
It need to wait your response. I need to investigate the problem ASAP.
Finally I have fixed the problem!
Look at the screenshot: