Shougo / dein.vim

:zap: Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
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[bug] conflict with vimtex #429

Closed Freed-Wu closed 2 years ago

Freed-Wu commented 3 years ago
" cat ~/.config/nvim/test.vim
let $XDG_DATA_HOME = $HOME . '/.local/share'
set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME
set runtimepath+=$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/repos/
if dein#load_state($XDG_DATA_HOME . '/nvim')
  call dein#begin($XDG_DATA_HOME . '/nvim')
  call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim')

  call dein#add('lervag/vimtex', {
        \ 'merged': 0,
        \ })
  call dein#end()
  call dein#save_state()
" vi -u ~/.config/nvim/test.vim a.tex
" :colorscheme default<CR>

E20 occurs.

Error detected while processing ColorScheme Autocommands for "<buffer=1>":
E20: Mark not set

If don't use dein, E20 will not occur.

About merge, see

I have deleted ~/.local/share/nvim/.cache ~/.local/share/nvim/.cache_vi ~/.local/share/nvim/state_vi.vim before testing.

This bug occur recently. Maybe it is related to dein's or vimtex's update.


Shougo commented 3 years ago

It is not dein.vim conflict.

It is vimtex implementation error. It can be reproduced without dein.vim.

" It works!
autocmd ColorScheme <buffer> call vimtex#syntax#core#init_highlights()
" It is broken
"autocmd ColorScheme <buffer> * call vimtex#syntax#core#init_highlights()

colorscheme default
rahimmalekzad commented 2 years ago
" cat ~/.config/nvim/test.vim
let $XDG_DATA_HOME = $HOME . '/.local/share'
set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME
set runtimepath+=$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/repos/
if dein#load_state($XDG_DATA_HOME . '/nvim')
  call dein#begin($XDG_DATA_HOME . '/nvim')
  call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim')

  call dein#add('lervag/vimtex', {
        \ 'merged': 0,
        \ })
  call dein#end()
  call dein#save_state()
" vi -u ~/.config/nvim/test.vim a.tex
" :colorscheme default<CR>

E20 occurs.

Error detected while processing ColorScheme Autocommands for "<buffer=1>":
E20: Mark not set

If don't use dein, E20 will not occur.

About merge, see lervag/vimtex#237.

I have deleted ~/.local/share/nvim/.cache ~/.local/share/nvim/.cache_vi ~/.local/share/nvim/state_vi.vim before testing.

This bug occur recently. Maybe it is related to dein's or vimtex's update.


Shougo commented 2 years ago

Really??? It is not dein problem. I will try it later. Please wait.

Shougo commented 2 years ago

Oh, it seems just comment.

What is your problem?