Shougo / dein.vim

:zap: Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
MIT License
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dein uses lua even when lua is not installed. #468

Closed krischik closed 1 year ago

krischik commented 1 year ago

Problems summary

deim aborts load_state with with "lua53.dll not found" error on windows system:


deim starts without the need to install lua.

Environment Information (Required!)

Windows 10

:version VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28 kompiliert am Jun 28 2022 12:46:00) MS-Windows 32 Bit GUI Version mit OLE-Unterstützung Übersetzt von mool@tororo Riesige Version mit GUI. Ein- (+) oder ausschließlich (-) der Eigenschaften: +acl +ex_extra +mzscheme/dyn +tcl/dyn +arabic +extra_search +netbeans_intg -termguicolors +autocmd -farsi +num64 +terminal +autochdir +file_in_path +ole -termresponse +autoservername +find_in_path +packages +textobjects +balloon_eval +float +path_extra +textprop -balloon_eval_term +folding +perl/dyn -tgetent +browse -footer +persistent_undo +timers ++builtin_terms +gettext/dyn +popupwin +title +byte_offset -hangul_input -postscript +toolbar +channel +iconv/dyn +printer +user_commands +cindent +insert_expand +profile +vartabs +clientserver +ipv6 +python/dyn +vertsplit +clipboard +job +python3/dyn +vim9script +cmdline_compl +jumplist +quickfix +viminfo +cmdline_hist +keymap +reltime +virtualedit +cmdline_info +lambda +rightleft +visual +comments +langmap +ruby/dyn +visualextra +conceal +libcall +scrollbind +vreplace +cryptv +linebreak +signs -vtp +cscope +lispindent +smartindent +wildignore +cursorbind +listcmds -sodium +wildmenu +cursorshape +localmap +sound +windows +dialog_con_gui +lua/dyn +spell +writebackup +diff +menu +startuptime -xfontset +digraphs +mksession +statusline -xim +directx +modify_fname -sun_workshop +xpm_w32 -dnd +mouse +syntax -xterm_save -ebcdic +mouseshape +tag_binary +emacs_tags +multi_byte_ime/dyn -tag_old_static +eval +multi_lang -tag_any_white

Provide a minimal init.vim/vimrc without plugin managers (Required!)

" Your minimal .vimrc
set runtimepath+=/Users/martin/vimfiles/bundles/repos/
"if dein#load_state('/Users/martin/vimfiles/bundles')

How to reproduce the problem from neovim/Vim startup (Required!)

  1. type gvim in cmd.exe

Screen shot (if possible)

Upload the log messages by :redir and :message (if errored)

Fehler beim Ausführen von "function dein#load_state[1]..dein#min#load_state[2]..dein#min#_init":
Zeile   49:
E370: Konnte Bibliothek lua53.dll nicht laden
Lua bibliothek kann nicht geladen werden.

Translation: "E370: Library lua53.dll not loaded"

krischik commented 1 year ago

Ignore it. An old version left behind on the system was started instead of the current vim 9.0.

Shougo commented 1 year ago

It seems Vim's bug. The if statement must be skipped in Vim.