Shougo / dpp.vim

Dark powered plugin manager for Vim/neovim
MIT License
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on windows11 #16

Closed rifu-a closed 7 months ago

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

Is dpp not compatible with windows?

The function cannot be used even if you use the following NVIM v0.10.0-dev-2236+g5e5b004da Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1706185428

XDG_CONFIG_HOME C:\Users\rifu.config XDG_CACHE_HOME C:\Users\rifu.cache XDG_DATA_HOME C:\Users\rifu.local\share XDG_STATE_HOME C:\Users\rifu.local\state HOME C:\Users\rifu DENO_DIR C:\Users\rifu.cache\deno

:message dpp load_state() is failed :call dpp#async_ext_action('installer', 'install') :message dpp.vim is not initialized yet. Please check dpp#min#load_state() is suceeded.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

Please check the messages. dpp.vim is not initialized. I think denops.vim is not loaded properly.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

I have tested the vimrc and it works on Windows 10 environment. But it is for my environment. I don't guarantee my environment works on other environment.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

Note: Denops.vim loading takes time especially if you use Windows and it is first install.

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply.

I understand that the initial loading of the Denops is slow.

I have confirmed that there is no problem with loading the Denops using the sample below.

The same phenomenon occurs even when starting neovim for the second time.

The settings described in dpp help are also similar. EXAMPLES dpp-examples

" Ward off unexpected things that your distro might have made, as " well as sanely reset options when re-sourcing .vimrc set nocompatible

" Set dpp base path (required)
const s:dpp_base = '~/.cache/dpp/'

" Set dpp source path (required)
const s:dpp_src = '~/.cache/dpp/repos/'
const s:denops_src = '~/.cache/dpp/repos/'

" Set dpp runtime path (required)
execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_src

if s:dpp_base->dpp#min#load_state()
  " NOTE: dpp#make_state() requires denops.vim
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:denops_src
  autocmd User DenopsReady
  \ call dpp#make_state(s:dpp_base, '{TypeScript config file path}')

" Attempt to determine the type of a file based on its name and
" possibly its " contents. Use this to allow intelligent
" auto-indenting " for each filetype, and for plugins that are
" filetype specific.
filetype indent plugin on

" Enable syntax highlighting
if has('syntax')
  syntax on

< Q: |DenopsReady| is not executed when |dpp#min#load_state()| is failed.

A: "plugin/denops.vim" is not loaded. I think you have enabled "--noplugin". You need to execute "plugin/denops.vim" manually by |:runtime| command.

runtime! plugin/denops.vim <

I've been using it since Unite, so I'd definitely like to use it.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

You need to upload the minimal init.vim and describe what you are executed specifically.

I think call dpp#make_state() is not done. It is asynchronous.

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

Even if I run it with the smallest file, the problem remains the same. :message [denops] Spawn server [1/4] [denops] Server started: ['deno', 'run', '-q', '--no-lock', '-A', 'C:\Users\rifu.cache\dpp\repos\\vim-denops\denops.vim\denops\@denops-private\cli.ts', '--quiet', '--identity', '--port', '0']
[denops] Server listen:
[denops] Connecting to channel [1/4]
[denops] Channel connected (
[denops] DenopsReady
[denops] 0 plugins are discovered

Shougo commented 7 months ago

[denops] DenopsReady

DenopsReady is fired. But dpp#make_state() is fired and exited? Please check it.

autocmd User Dpp:makeStatePost
      \ : echohl WarningMsg
      \ | echomsg 'dpp make_state() is done'
      \ | echohl NONE

I use this.

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

I will attach the confirmation results. I think dpp#make_sate() is activated. If you enter the wrong path for dpp.ts, a loading error will occur. It is not possible to determine whether there is a problem in dpp.ts or not.

init.vim.txt :message 1 2 3 [denops] Spawn server [1/4]
[denops] Server started: ['deno', 'run', '-q', '--no-lock', '-A', 'C:\Users\rifu.cache\dpp\repos\\vim-denops\denops.vim\denops\@denops-private\cli.ts', '--quiet', '--identity', '--port', '0']
[denops] Server listen:
[denops] Connecting to channel [1/4]
[denops] Channel connected (
[denops] DenopsReady
[denops] 0 plugins are discovered

Shougo commented 7 months ago

dpp make_state() is done is not found. Please wait the execution.

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

What does it mean?

Please wait the execution.

I wait 30 minutes after starting neovim, but nothing changes. I've been using this for about 3 weeks and have never seen dpp make_state() run. My home PC and work PC are in the same situation.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

Really? Please test it on non Windows environment.

I will test your code. You need to upload dpp.ts file.

I will close it if I cannot reproduce the problem with the minimal files.

Shougo commented 7 months ago


set nocompatible

const s:dpp_base = '~/work/test/dpp/'->expand()
let $BASE_DIR = '<sfile>'->expand()->fnamemodify(':h')
let g:denops#debug = v:true

const s:dpp_src = '~/work/dpp.vim'->expand()
const s:denops_src = '~/work/denops.vim'->expand()

const s:dpp_ext_1_src = '~/work/dpp-ext-lazy'->expand()
const s:dpp_ext_2_src = '~/work/dpp-ext-installer'->expand()
const s:dpp_ext_3_src = '~/work/dpp-ext-local'->expand()
const s:dpp_ext_4_src = '~/work/dpp-ext-packspec'->expand()
const s:dpp_ext_5_src = '~/work/dpp-ext-toml'->expand()
const s:dpp_ext_6_src = '~/work/dpp-protocol-gity'->expand()

execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_src
execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_ext_1_src

echomsg '1'
autocmd User Dpp:makeStatePost
      \ : echohl WarningMsg
      \ | echomsg 'dpp make_state() is done'
      \ | echohl NONE
echomsg '2'

if s:dpp_base->dpp#min#load_state()
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_ext_2_src
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_ext_3_src
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_ext_4_src
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_ext_5_src
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:dpp_ext_6_src

  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. s:denops_src
  autocmd User DenopsReady
  \ call dpp#make_state(s:dpp_base, '$BASE_DIR/dpp.ts'->expand())
  echomsg '3'

filetype indent plugin on

if has('syntax')
  syntax on
Shougo commented 7 months ago

I wait 30 minutes after starting neovim, but nothing changes.

dpp make_state() is done is not found? 30 minutes? Really?

It is not possible to determine whether there is a problem in dpp.ts or not.

It seems your dpp.ts problem. You need to upload it.

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

dpp make_state() is done is not found? 30 minutes? Really?

It's true because there's nothing going on about the lie either.

It seems your dpp.ts problem. You need to upload it.

The dpp.ts file is included within

Really? Please test it on non Windows environment.

It is possible to boot ubuntu in a virtual environment. Is confirmation really necessary for that work?


Windows path length settings have been changed. I don't think changing to the work directory has any effect. I'll try it anyway.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

OK. Reproduced. It is bug.

Please update dpp.vim.

Shougo commented 7 months ago

dpp#make_state() is called, but dpp.vim is not registered(skipped). So your script does not work.

rifu-a commented 7 months ago

Bug fix. Excellent! There were no problems in this environment either.

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