Shougo / neobundle.vim

Next generation Vim package manager
MIT License
2.29k stars 168 forks source link

HTTPS/Git Bug #451

Closed amadeus closed 8 years ago

amadeus commented 8 years ago

It appears after the git protocol deprecation, vim won't even load anymore, at least the window won't load.

If I attempt to run MacVim from terminal, I get the following output, but no visible window (the process does start though).

~ › mvim
~ › [neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] The protocol "git"is invalid.  Please use https or ssh instead.
[neobundle] Reinstall bundles are detected!
nerdcommenter: git:// ->
vim-hackernews: git:// ->
vim-surround: git:// ->
vim-abolish: git:// ->
vimshell.vim: git:// ->
unimpaired.vim: git:// ->
vim-jsx: git:// ->
detectindent: git:// ->
vim-jinja: git:// ->
pastebin-vim: git:// ->
html5.vim: git:// ->
vim-startify: git:// ->
vim-glsl: git:// ->
vim-easymotion: git:// ->
dash.vim: git:// ->
tabular: git:// ->
vim-flavored-markdown: git:// ->
vim-fugitive: git:// ->
vimproc: git:// ->
nerdtree: git:// ->
gitv: git:// ->
vim-less: git:// ->
vim-scratch: git:// ->
neocomplete.vim: git:// ->
LargeFile: git:// ->
ctrlp_bdelete.vim: git:// ->
grunt.vim: git:// ->
delimitMate: git:// ->
vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight: git:// ->
gist-vim: git:// ->
vim-gitgutter: git:// ->
vim-windowswap: git:// ->
ack.vim: git:// -> git:// ->
vim-obsession: git:// ->
goyo.vim: git:// ->
splice.vim: git:// ->
vim-repeat: git:// ->
neosnippet.vim: git:// ->
vim-json: git:// ->
ZoomWin: git:// ->
vim-eunuch: git:// ->
vim-markdown: git:// ->
tern_for_vim: git:// ->
vim-indent-object: git:// ->
undotree: git:// ->
vim-jsbeautify: git:// ->
ctrlp.vim: git:// ->
neosnippet-snippets: git:// ->
jacinto.vim: git:// ->
syntastic: git:// ->
vim-coffee-script: git:// ->
powerline: git:// ->
vim-characterize: git:// ->
vim-gtfo: git:// ->
vim-colors-solarized: git:// ->
Css-Pretty: git:// ->
vim-mustache-handlebars: git:// ->
webapi-vim: git:// ->
indentLine: git:// ->
Reinstall bundles now?
~ ›

I cannot actually interact with anything to choose a reinstall option. I guess the only fix would be to blow everything away in my bundle folder and launch vim again?

amadeus commented 8 years ago

I tried blowing everything inside my folder away, however, I get another bunch of errors while installing. It appears that it's trying to check out all my plugins via SVN, and this appears to be caused by still having this variable floating around:

let g:neobundle_default_git_protocol = "git"

And here's a snippet of the errors I get in :NeoBundleLog

Update started: (2015/11/16 15:21:18)
( 1/67): |vimproc| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/vimproc"
( 2/67): |delimitMate| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/delimitMate"
( 3/67): |vimshell.vim| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/vimshell.vim"
( 4/67): |vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bund
( 1/67): |vimproc| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (htt
( 2/67): |delimitMate| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not truste
d (
( 3/67): |vimshell.vim| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (
( 4/67): |vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (
( 5/67): |gist-vim| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/gist-vim"
( 6/67): |vim-abolish| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/vim-abolish"
( 7/67): |vim-gitgutter| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter"
( 8/67): |vim-surround| svn checkout "/Users/amadeus/.vim/bundle/vim-surround"
( 5/67): |gist-vim| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (
( 6/67): |vim-abolish| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (
( 7/67): |vim-gitgutter| Error
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT until Tue, 12 Apr 2016 12:00:00 GMT
 - Issuer:, DigiCert Inc, US
 - Fingerprint: a0:c4:a7:46:00:ed:a7:2d:c0:be:cb:9a:8c:b6:07:ca:58:ee:74:5e
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? svn: E175002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E175002: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted (
( 8/67): |vim-surround| Error

Removing that enabled the plugins to be installed.

Shougo commented 8 years ago

I fixed the error behavior. But please don't use git protocol. It is unsecure and disabled in neobundle.

amadeus commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I switched over to https, thanks!