Closed petobens closed 8 years ago
I also tried with terminal vim (not macvim) and I get the same error.
I think "heraldish" plugin is not installed.
You must execute :NeoBundleInstall
I think the colorscheme is installed. I tried with the following minimal vimrc:
set nocompatible
let $CLOUD_DIR = expand('$HOME/OneDrive/')
let $DOTVIM = expand('$CLOUD_DIR/vimfiles')
set runtimepath=$DOTVIM,$VIMRUNTIME,$DOTVIM/after
if has('vim_starting')
execute 'set runtimepath+=' . expand('$DOTVIM/bundle/neobundle')
call neobundle#begin(expand('$DOTVIM/bundle/'))
let g:neobundle#enable_name_conversion = 1
NeoBundle 'petobens/heraldish', {'frozen' : 1}
NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim', {'name' : 'neobundle'}
call neobundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable
set termguicolors
if neobundle#is_installed('heraldish')
colorscheme heraldish
And when I run so %
I still get:
OK. I get the problem. It is your vimrc error.
set runtimepath=$DOTVIM,$VIMRUNTIME,$DOTVIM/after
if has('vim_starting')
execute 'set runtimepath+=' . expand('$DOTVIM/bundle/neobundle')
You must not reset 'runtimepath'. The correct is this.
if has('vim_starting')
set runtimepath=$DOTVIM,$VIMRUNTIME,$DOTVIM/after
execute 'set runtimepath+=' . expand('$DOTVIM/bundle/neobundle')
Awesome! Thank you so much!!!
Consider the following minimal vimrc
Now open GUI Macvim (or terminal Macvim), edit (i.e open) this minimal vimrc file and then run
so %
. I get the following errorWhen the
file is source the colorscheme is not found. I expect the colorscheme to be found.