Closed sheerun closed 9 years ago
Removing neosnippet resolves problem.
@update: Unfortunately it doesn't
More output:
Error detected while processing function vital#of:
line 4:
E605: Exception not caught: vital: version file not found: neocomplcache
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing function neocomplcache#lazy_initialize:
line 9:
E171: Missing :endif
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Disabling unite and neosnippet probably fixes that problem..
Nope, it happened again
I think it is installation problem. I recommend for you to reinstall neocomplcache.
@sheerun Use Pathogen to easily keep your Vim plugins installed separately. It's a total breeze to use and eliminates issues like this.
Having the same issue on both OSX and nixos using pathogen and vim-plug respectively.
After changing the vital.vim for better output:
function! vital#of(name)
let fpath = 'autoload/vital/' . a:name . '.vital'
let files = globpath(&runtimepath, fpath)
let file = split(files, "\n")
if empty(file)
throw 'vital: not found: ' . fpath . ' in ' . &runtimepath
let ver = readfile(file[0], 'b')
if empty(ver)
throw 'vital: invalid version file: ' . a:name
return vital#_{substitute(ver[0], '\W', '', 'g')}#new()
I get this when trying to quit my vim session:
Error detected while processing function vital#of:
line 5:
E605: Exception not caught: vital: not found: autoload/vital/neocomplete.vital in /home/zimbatm/.vim,/home/zimbatm/.vim/plugge
Error detected while processing function neocomplete#init#disable:
line 2:
E171: Missing :endif
It doesn't make any sense because the file exists:
-rw-r--r-- 1 zimbatm users 72 Feb 21 18:35 /home/zimbatm/.vim/plugged/neocomplete.vim/autoload/vital/neocomplete.vital
Is it possible that globpath gets confused somehow ?
I managed to reduce the issue down to:
let files=globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/vital/neocomplete.vital')
in some projects of mine the files
variables has a result and in some not. &runtimepath seem to contain a path to the neocomplete plugin in both cases.
The reason it changes between projects is because of the vim-scripts/gitignore
. Adding the "nosuf" option to globpath fixes the issue.
It happend when I open some helpfile and wait about 3 seconds.