Shougo / neocomplcache.vim

Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim.
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What is the kind of the complete source in this pic? what is '「f」? #391

Closed udonmai closed 11 years ago

udonmai commented 11 years ago


With the question 「What is the kind of the complete source in this pic? what is '「f」? 」 in title as the 1st, I also still want to have a try though omni with PHP is slow, but I am not sure wether I was succeful invoking it.

This is my vimrc file


Shougo commented 11 years ago

"f" is "function".

I also still want to have a try though omni with PHP is slow, but I am not sure wether I was succeful invoking it.

Because PHP omnifunction is too slow... I don't recommend for you to use the omni function.

udonmai commented 11 years ago

ok.. I would disable it later but Istill want to know clearly about it... Why just 'f' appears here? It almost appears after '->' and is it the omni? I don't remember there is a kind of source called 'f'... If it is omni, it shoud be O, right?

Shougo commented 11 years ago

Why just 'f' appears here? It almost appears after '->' and is it the omni?

Yes. It is omni completion.

I don't remember there is a kind of source called 'f'... If it is omni, it shoud be O, right?

OK. I fixed it.

udonmai commented 11 years ago

Thanks for so fast reply!

And I will close this soon after finishing some more questions... Thanks again.

If I comment the below, autocmd FileType php setlocal omnifunc=phpcomplete#CompletePHP

only leave this, let g:neocomplcache_force_omni_patterns.php = '[^. \t]->\h\w*\|\h\w*::'

The autocomplete like which above still appears. So PHP's omni complete is defaultly set to phpcomplete#CompletePHP?

I also find this blog - VimでPHPを書く私のneocomplcache設定を公開してみる (I could read japanese) Is the dict way the best way for PHP?

If I use cTags with vim-easytags ,is it still the omni way?

udonmai commented 11 years ago

I got to know something from the doc about the last question - If I use cTags with vim-easytags ,is it still the omni way?

and I will try include way then.

Shougo commented 11 years ago

So PHP's omni complete is defaultly set to phpcomplete#CompletePHP?

I think yes. You can check it by verbose setlocal omnifunc? command.

Is the dict way the best way for PHP?


If I use cTags with vim-easytags ,is it still the omni way?

I have not try it. I don't know...

udonmai commented 11 years ago

I found it so hard to use omni with PHP... Not only slow but also completed inappropriately...

I just want the PHP complete a bit more intelligent.....

But I don't know how..

I'll try include_complete this time.

Shougo commented 11 years ago

I just want the PHP complete a bit more intelligent.....

I think so, but I don't use PHP...

udonmai commented 11 years ago

you are so kind and I will try something new and later tell you more here.

I will surely colse this today since I don't want to make it pleased for me until tomorrow...

udonmai commented 11 years ago

For the default set of PHP omni, here Snip20130429_7

Shougo commented 11 years ago

Oh, ....automatically set. I think PHPComplete is good for manual completion, but it is bad for auto completion.

udonmai commented 11 years ago


Yes but I have no idea further yet...

And What is manual completion? :)

Shougo commented 11 years ago

Manual completion is "<C-x><C-o>". Automatic completion is like neocomplcache or Intellisense.

udonmai commented 11 years ago

Got it~

udonmai commented 11 years ago

I just use both dict and tags but have no idea with include_complete.

And I think that I would not spend much time on PHP the coming several months.

So, anyway, some examples may appear on your docs about include way someday and I will check later.

Again thanks for reply and off course your kind~

I should close this right now.

plus: I may come to Japan for my further study this Oct and wish more communications with you the coming days, 先辈.

Shougo commented 11 years ago

plus: I may come to Japan for my further study this Oct and wish more communications with you the coming days, 先辈.

You should be able to open a Vim study session in Japan. In Japan, many Vim study session was opened.

udonmai commented 11 years ago


That sounds great~ Here in my university, less people talk about this and it is hard for an individual do take over so many problems...

and where do you live? I have not decide which university to go for...

If talking about the Internet company, Tokyo is better than Kyoto? This is the 2 citys I may go...

Shougo commented 11 years ago

and where do you live? I have not decide which university to go for...

I live in Kanto. So, you should go to Tokyo in Japan if possible.

If talking about the Internet company, Tokyo is better than Kyoto? This is the 2 citys I may go...

In Kanto(Tokyo), there are many Vimmers includes me.

udonmai commented 11 years ago

OK,I understand~

I will if possible~

Shougo commented 11 years ago


udonmai commented 11 years ago


I should say Thanks as well.