Shougo / neocomplcache.vim

Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim.
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Want to disable the sources in neocomplcache.vim #458

Closed ShawnHuang closed 11 years ago

ShawnHuang commented 11 years ago

When I edit a javascript file, and the pop menu jumps.


I know that [S] is syntax complete, and [FI] is filename_include complete...etc.

Could someone tells me what kind of these sources?

Is it possible to disable them?

Shougo commented 11 years ago

I know that [S] is syntax complete, and [FI] is filename_include complete...etc. Could someone tells me what kind of these sources?

It is already available in documentation.

suffix of complete candidates in popup menu declaration.
(This will be good for user to know where candidate from and what it is.)

    filename_complete          -> [F] {filename}
    filename_include           -> [FI] {filename}
    dictionary_complete        -> [D] {words}
    member_complete            -> [M] member
    buffer_complete            -> [B] {buffername}
    syntax_complete            -> [S] {syntax-keyword}
    include_complete           -> [I]
    neosnippet                 -> [neosnip]
    vim_complete               -> [vim] type
    omni_complete              -> [O]
    tags_complete              -> [T]
    other plugin sources       -> [plugin-name-prefix]
    other completefunc sources -> [plugin-name-prefix]
    other ftplugin sources     -> [plugin-name-prefix]

Is it possible to disable them?

You should read documentation.

:help g:neocomplcache_disabled_sources_list

ShawnHuang commented 11 years ago

I've see the doc, but sorry for my foolish:(

I put the in my bundle. And it cause the unknow result.

Shougo commented 11 years ago

I put the in my bundle. And it cause the unknow result.

I don't understand your problem. You must explain in detail.

I think it is jscomplete problem. jscomplete cannot use source postfix(like "[S]"). So you cannot understand it.

Shougo commented 11 years ago

Is it possible to disable them?

You cannot disable it. It is automatically set.

ShawnHuang commented 11 years ago

At first I think these results are the default sources in neocomplcache, but I am wrong. Thank you, I get my answer :)