Shougo / neocomplcache.vim

Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim.
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Issue if autocomplete in rails #460

Closed phanhaiquang closed 10 years ago

phanhaiquang commented 10 years ago


I have the code look like below ..... :mysymbol .....

When I type "mysy" (don't have ':' at beginning), the "mysymbol" word is not listed in popup of auto-completion. If I type ":mysy" (with ':' at beginning), the autocompletion shows the symbol as candidate correctly.

I tested iskeyword, it is @,48-57,_,192-255 (do not contains ":"). In fact, I get this issue with neocomplcache that using together with vim-rails. I asked this question to vim-rails github, but it seems that vim-rails does not add up anything relate to this issue. Please take a look my issue in vim-rails

Could you please support me to detect or guide me how to detect it ?

Thank you very much !

Shougo commented 10 years ago

I fixed the problem. Please update neocomplcache.

phanhaiquang commented 10 years ago

@Shougo Thank you very much for great support ! It works !