Closed lokesh1729 closed 7 years ago
I think you should use neocomplete or deoplete.
ohh... why??? neocomplcache is good no
Shougo is author of neocomplcache, neocomplete and deoplete, he create neocomplete is because neocomplcache is too slow. in neovim I use the latest version of deoplete. it is async completion engein.
ohh.... which one should I use?? neocomplete or deoplete
If you are use ubuntu, I think you can install vim-gtk, it should support lua, then you can use neocomplete, BTW, if you are a vimmer like Shougo, I think you can try to use neovim, and deoplete is for neovim. I am using deoplete, 😄 , you can have a look at my SpaceVim.
Ok... I tried using YouCompleteMe, but that's very slow and erroneous for larger projects
ycm???? it is too large, and hard to install, I prefer deoplete.
same problem with neocomplete too....
I just test in depplete , it works well:
I have disabled some of the plugins that I suspect causing this issue like python-mode, syntastic and restarted the vim. Now, the cursor line is gone, but now, when I am typing over 80 characters, it's coming to the next line....
please read :h tw
, it should be vim's feature.
I read, in my vimrc, text width is set to 120.
@Shougo Hi, any fix for this????
I have disabled some of the plugins that I suspect causing this issue like python-mode, syntastic and restarted the vim. Now, the cursor line is gone, but now, when I am typing over 80 characters, it's coming to the next line....
It is feature. You should check #338.
I think formatoptions
is set.
:verbose setlocal formatoptions?
This is the output from my vim for :verbose setlocal formatoptions?
formatoptions=tcq Last set from ~/.vimrc
flag is not set... and also I have grepped for formatoptions in my entire vim bundle, here's what I found.... I'm pretty new to vim...
/home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/delimitMate/doc/delimitMate.txt:vim:tw=78:et:ts=8:sw=2:ft=help:norl:for atoptions+=tcroqn:autoindent: /home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/vim-markdown/indent/markdown.vim:setlocal formatoptions+=r /home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/vim-markdown/indent/markdown.vim:setlocal formatoptions-=c /home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/neocomplete.vim/autoload/neocomplete/handler.vim: \ || (&l:formatoptions =~# '[tca]' && &l:textwidth > 0 /home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/tlib_vim/CHANGES.TXT:- tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Respect tabs and (experimental) formatoptions+=or /home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/python-mode/doc/pymode.txt: setlocal formatoptions-=t /home/lokesh1729/.vim/bundle/python-mode/ftplugin/python/pymode.vim: setlocal formatoptions-=t
You have set t
option in the vimrc.
So neocomplcache is disabled after colorcolumn.
It conflicts with neocomplcache behavior.
You should learn :help fo-table
Problems summary
Thanks for the wonderful plugin, everything works very well. But, I am facing an issue that when typing after the cursorline, suggestions are not coming. I am attaching a video for the better understanding
suggestions should be shown
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