Running :Unite outline caused the following error:
[unite.vim] function neobundle#autoload#_command[14]..unite#helper#call_unite[33]..unite#start[1]..unite#start#standard[50]..unite#candidates#_recache[74]..<SN
..unite#init#_default_scripts[54]..script /Users/rhysd/.vim/bundle/unite-outline/autoload/unite/sources/outline.vim[506]..function unite#sources#outline#import
[2]..script /Users/rhysd/.vim/bundle/unite-outline/autoload/unite/sources/outline/modules/file_cache.vim[39]..function unite#sources#outline#import[2]..script
ne/modules/base.vim, line 53
[unite.vim] Vim(let):E700: Unknown function: <SNR>158_Module_bind
[unite.vim] Error occurred in source initialization!
[unite.vim] Source name is /Users/rhysd/.vim/bundle/unite-outline/autoload/unite/sources/outline.vim
Since function() can now take s: prefix for function name as first argument, the s:SID hack is no longer necessary. This PR removes the hack and I confirmed the error was fixed by the modification.
If you prefer making this plugin compatible with older Vim which does not support s: in function(), please let me know. I'll update this PR not to break compatibility.
:Unite outline
caused the following error:Since
can now takes:
prefix for function name as first argument, thes:SID
hack is no longer necessary. This PR removes the hack and I confirmed the error was fixed by the modification.