Shougo / unite.vim

:dragon: Unite and create user interfaces
2.85k stars 223 forks source link

some file can not be listed. #1225

Closed wsdjeg closed 7 years ago

wsdjeg commented 7 years ago

Problems summary

can not list autoload/SpaceVim/mapping/z.vim


all the useful files should be listed

Environment Information

Provide a minimal .vimrc with less than 50 lines (Required!)

set rtp+=~/.cache/vimfiles/repos/
set rtp+=~/.cache/vimfiles/repos/

scriptencoding utf-8
call unite#custom#source('codesearch', 'max_candidates', 30)
call unite#filters#matcher_default#use(['matcher_fuzzy'])
call unite#filters#sorter_default#use(['sorter_rank'])
call unite#custom#profile('default', 'context', {
      \   'safe': 0,
      \   'start_insert': 1,
      \   'ignorecase' : 1,
      \   'short_source_names': 1,
      \   'update_time': 200,
      \   'direction': 'rightbelow',
      \   'winwidth': 40,
      \   'winheight': 15,
      \   'max_candidates': 100,
      \   'no_auto_resize': 1,
      \   'vertical_preview': 1,
      \   'cursor_line_time': '0.10',
      \   'hide_icon': 0,
      \   'candidate-icon': ' ',
      \   'marked_icon': '✓',
      \   'prompt' : '➭ '
      \ })

    let g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline = 0
" vim:set et sw=2 cc=80:

The reproduce ways from Vim starting (Required!)

I will test it in spacevim repo, no need install spacevim.

  1. git clone
  2. cd SpaceVim
  3. vim -u ~/test/test.vim init.vim
  4. run :Unite file_rec/async -start-insert
  5. type into z.vim
Shougo commented 7 years ago

z.vim is not exist.

wsdjeg commented 7 years ago

oh, I think it is unite cache. in new branch z_prefix there are two z.vim

wsdjeg commented 7 years ago

you can see this PR

Shougo commented 7 years ago

oh, I think it is unite cache. in new branch z_prefix there are two z.vim

Reproduced. Please re-generate the cache.

wsdjeg commented 7 years ago
