ShoumikSaha / DRSM

This is the implementation of DRSM paper
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

Ask for advice #1

Open EagleJH opened 5 months ago

EagleJH commented 5 months ago

The purpose of creating this issue is to discuss the problems encountered in reproducing code and some good ideas

EagleJH commented 5 months ago

Can I use this model for training on the Android APK dataset?

ShoumikSaha commented 5 months ago

Short answer: No.

Our DRSM framework was built on the MalConv model, which was designed for raw bytes of Windows exe files. Also, our framework can be extended to other CNN-based Windows malware detection model just by altering the base classifier. Though DRSM was not proposed for APK files, it might be possible to extend this for APK files if the base classifier is a CNN-based one, and this can be a different interesting project.

For more details, you can read our paper -