Shouqun / node-dbus

dbus module for node
MIT License
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How to pass arguments ? #243

Open marchemi opened 1 year ago

marchemi commented 1 year ago

I have an issue with the library. I'm trying to call this method through DBus.

dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=io.openthread.BorderRouter.wpan0 /io/openthread/BorderRouter/wpan0 org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect

<method name="Attach">
  <arg name="networkkey" type="ay"/>
  <arg name="panid" type="q"/>
  <arg name="networkname" type="s"/>
  <arg name="extpanid" type="t"/>
  <arg name="pskc" type="ay"/>
  <arg name="channel_mask" type="u"/>

But, I can't pass the arguments. Could you help me ?

I have tryed for sample : var b_networkkey = this.toBytes('aabbccddeeff00112233445566778802'); var b_pskc = this.toBytes('1f0978a6883911fc455550cf14c6a28f'); var args = { networkkey: b_networkkey, panid: 17185, networkname: 'ThreadMatter', extpanid: 1234605616436508418, pskc: b_pskc, channel_mask: 32768 }

bus.getInterface('io.openthread.BorderRouter.wpan0', '/io/openthread/BorderRouter/wpan0', 'io.openthread.BorderRouter', function(err, iface) { iface.Attach( args, { timeout: 15000 }, callback); });

Could you help me ?

Thank you.