I want to reproduce the results of the method in the paper using CLIP without fine-tuning,as shown in the figure below
I use the following command
python eval_refcoco/main.py --input_file /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/reclip_data/input_file/refcocog_val.jsonl --image_root /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/train2014 --method matching --clip_model ViT-B/32 --triplets_file /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/reclip_data/triplets_file/gpt_refcocog_val.jsonl --detector_file /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/reclip_data/detector_file/refcocog_dets_dict.json
The results obtained are different from those in the paper
I want to reproduce the results of the method in the paper using CLIP without fine-tuning,as shown in the figure below
I use the following command """ python eval_refcoco/main.py --input_file /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/reclip_data/input_file/refcocog_val.jsonl --image_root /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/train2014 --method matching --clip_model ViT-B/32 --triplets_file /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/reclip_data/triplets_file/gpt_refcocog_val.jsonl --detector_file /REC/Zeroshot_REC/data/reclip_data/detector_file/refcocog_dets_dict.json """ The results obtained are different from those in the paper
Is there something wrong with the command I ran?