ShoyuVanilla / FoundryVTT-CGMP

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Feature : Posssibility to give permission to player to delete their actors #5

Open uniwars opened 4 years ago

uniwars commented 4 years ago

Players can only export/import data from their actors, give the possibility to players to delete actors they are owner on (and only owner) would free de GM from deleting all eventual test actors, dead actors, etc.

In the same idea Assistant can't delete their own scene, actors, music, and can't modifiy walls build by someone else (even walls created via dungeondraft importer) The permission configuration toll seems to lack some important points.

ShoyuVanilla commented 4 years ago

Since permissions are strongly bound to backend side of FVTT that is not modifiable by modules, it seems impossible to do this directly, but can be done by a little trick; a player's client sends a packet to GM's client that requests to delete an actor, and the GM's client delete it. It will only work when GM is online, but I think that it would be better than nothing.

And apologies for not updating my module for a while. I've been quite busy for preparing my job interview. I'll resume to module works in one or two weeks.