ShoyuVanilla / FoundryVTT-Chat-Portrait

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Token image of targetted creature positioned wrongly on some attack chat cards #108

Open DrMcCoy opened 2 years ago

DrMcCoy commented 2 years ago

Environment Details

Issue Description

When using Chat Portrait with the Pathfinder 1e system, and issuing an attacking while having a token targetted, the token image of the targetted creature is not at the position it's supposed to be in the attack chat card.

The normal attack chat card when issuing an attack from a combat item does not show this behaviour, but the one from an attack using an inventory item. It seems it has to do with the different headings these chat cards use and Chat Portrait gets confused what is what.

Similarily, this also happens on spells when the caster needs to roll for arcane spell failure.

I first assume this is a bug in the alternate attack chat card module I'm using, and opened a bug report there: . There's screenshots in that bug report that show what's wrong, and some further discussion. I.e. for context and screenshots, that bug report there is probably relevant.

However, it turns out the alternate attack chat card is not to blame. This bug also happens when no alternate attack chat card has been selected and when no modules but Chat Portrait is even active. Conversely, this bug does not happen when Chat Portrait has been disabled.