javascript:window.time=1;function reactHandler(){return Object.values(document.querySelector('#app>div>div'))[1].children[0]._owner}var da=reactHandler().stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp.database()._delegate._repoInternal.server_.onDataUpdate_;function handleChat(e,t){if(e.includes("/stg")){console.log(e,t);if(!t.includes("q-")){return;}var ans = t.split("-")[2][0];answerQuestion(ans,window.time);setTimeout(function(){reactHandler().stateNode.props.client.answer=reactHandler().stateNode.props.client.question.correctAnswers[0];reactHandler().stateNode.props.history.push("/play/battle-royale/answer/sent");},300);}}reactHandler().stateNode.props.liveGameController._liveApp.database()._delegate._repoInternal.server_.onDataUpdate_=function(e,t,a,n){console.log(e,t,a,n),handleChat(e,t),da(e,t,a,n)};function answerQuestion(a,t){reactHandler().stateNode.props.liveGameController.setVal({path:"a/"+reactHandler(),val:{a:a,t:t}});}
change window.time to whatever you want, its in milliseconds so 1 is 0.001 seconds. you can't do 0 otherwise it gives you 20 seconds no matter how long it took. also I know what konz said about "battle royale is on the server side" and all that, but she was wrong. you can very much maniuplate the time to answer a question and the server accepts it as truth.
it looks like its slow, thats because it has to wait for the question to load, it still says 0.001 on the host's end
I have read the FaQ and my suggestion has not already been asked for or is possible
change window.time to whatever you want, its in milliseconds so 1 is 0.001 seconds. you can't do 0 otherwise it gives you 20 seconds no matter how long it took. also I know what konz said about "battle royale is on the server side" and all that, but she was wrong. you can very much maniuplate the time to answer a question and the server accepts it as truth.
it looks like its slow, thats because it has to wait for the question to load, it still says 0.001 on the host's end
I have read the FaQ and my suggestion has not already been asked for or is possible