Shrediquette / PIVlab

Particle Image Velocimetry for Matlab, official repository
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running matlab in script #101

Closed mxardre closed 7 months ago

mxardre commented 7 months ago

Opening another thread here to avoid messing up the git.

Question """ I have a question (and I know it is not the place to put it) but I have 100 of image sequences to run through PIVlab. Using the GUI is perfect to find the PIV parameters, subsequent filtering, field calculation and exporting. But is there a way to run PIVlab with those parameters without PIVlab? Like in a script peaking up each of my image sequences. I read the PIVlab_commandline.m but it does something way cruder than the GUI. """

Answer by Shrediquette """ Maybe you are looking for this? """

mxardre commented 7 months ago

Then I have a question it seems that the box "substract background" is not saved when we save the setting of a session or the session itself. May not be used often as PIVlab is running quite properly without that but could be useful to save it too for script running.

Shrediquette commented 7 months ago

Please add questions in the PIVlab forum: Github issues is for reporting bugs or proposing enhancements.

mxardre commented 7 months ago

Got you about the data. Actually from fiji I was saving some 32-bit float images. And matlab doesnot import it properly. I save them in 16bit it works better. Thanks a tone