Shrediquette / PIVlab

Particle Image Velocimetry for Matlab, official repository
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Implement PIV uncertainty quantification #58

Open Shrediquette opened 3 years ago

Shrediquette commented 3 years ago , page 6 shows the process: After image deformation: multiply images, then threshold. White pixels represent particles tht are present in A and B. Use subpixel estimator to find displacement of each particle in A and B. The "mismatch" is then a measure for the uncertainty (after some statistical stuff that I still have to look at). Matlab code is available here: ... but it is probably better to code on my own to understand whats going on.

Shrediquette commented 3 years ago


Shrediquette commented 2 years ago

Code is implemented and I did some tests, but the results are not good yet. I think I have to make sure that peaks of the multiplication matrix are only located in regions that really have particles in both images. Otherwise the peaks must be reliably rejected. Maybe do something like: only take the highest 5 peaks in the image or so...

Shrediquette commented 2 years ago

I will post the code snippet here (although it is already in the latest release, but commented out), ideally in a small script that shows the process. Then everyone is cordially invited to help with this... Doesn't seem to be super difficult in principle, but I am doing something wrong I think.

Shrediquette commented 2 years ago

So here is everything that is needed... I think it doesn't look that bad actually...: Code and data can be downloaded here

close all

%load the intermediate result from PIVfft_multi. It contains all information that was generated during the cross-correlation window deformation.
load analysis_data.mat
%We need to use this data to perform the uncertainty calculation.
%The idea is from this paper:
%Their code is available here:
%But I always find it easier to code my own stuff. It is more fun too.

%What they do is the following:
%After image deformation: multiply images, then threshold. White pixels represent particles tht are present in A and B. 
%Use subpixel estimator to find displacement of each particle in A and B. 
%The "mismatch" is then a measure for the uncertainty (after some statistical stuff that I still have to look at).

%% Uncertainty calculation
example_index = 201; %figures are plotted with "interrogation area number X" to show some emeplary figures.

%image1_cut are all interrogation areas from image A
%image2_cut are all interrogation areas from image B (deformed, ideally they should then look like image1_cut)
%if you want to have a look: 
imagesc(image1_cut(:,:,example_index));colormap('gray');title('Interrogation area A');figure;imagesc(image2_cut(:,:,example_index));colormap('gray');title('Interrogation area B (deformed)')

01 02

%lowpass filter
image1_cut = imfilter(image1_cut,fspecial('gaussian',[3 3]));
image2_cut = imfilter(image2_cut,fspecial('gaussian',[3 3]));

%This should now give high values where particles are present at the same position in both images:
multiplied_images = image1_cut(:,:,:) .* image1_cut(:,:,:);
figure;imagesc(multiplied_images(:,:,example_index));colormap('gray');title('Multiplied interrogation areas')


max_val=max(multiplied_images,[],[1 2]); %maximum for each slice

%Binarize the result with a relatively strict threshold. Should result in a few pixels that highlight the position of matching particle pairs
figure;imagesc(multiplied_images_binary(:,:,example_index));colormap('gray');title('Binarized locations of matching particle pairs')
%Here I should find some metrics to select somethin like "the five most prominent particles", and discard all other "particles" (that probably aren't even particles


%multiplied_images_binary = bwareaopen(multiplied_images_binary, 2); %remove everything with less than n pixels, can be done to keep only large particle pairs
for islice=1:size(multiplied_images_binary,3)
    multiplied_images_binary(:,:,islice) = bwmorph(multiplied_images_binary(:,:,islice), 'shrink', inf);

figure;imagesc(multiplied_images_binary(:,:,example_index));colormap('gray');title('Binarized locations of matching particle pairs, reduced to single pixels')


%remove pixels at borders (otherwise subpixfinder will fail)
amount_of_particles_pairs_per_IA = squeeze(sum(multiplied_images_binary,[1 2]));

%find all coordinates of matchingparticle pairs
[y_img, x_img, z_img] = ind2sub(size(multiplied_images_binary), find(multiplied_images_binary==1));
%the above contains the integer locations of matching particle pairs. 
%Now I will use a subpix estimator to find the subpixel accurate position of the matching particles in interrogation area a and in interrogation area B.
%ideally, they should be identical of course if the windows deformation was perfect.

[peakx_A, peaky_A] = multispot_SUBPIXGAUSS(image1_cut, x_img, y_img, z_img); 
[peakx_B, peaky_B] = multispot_SUBPIXGAUSS(image2_cut, x_img, y_img, z_img);
%Actually, the above shouldn't give peak coordinates that differ more than 1 or 2 pixels..? I need to check this.

From the paper:
Each point (i, j) where ? is non-null indicates a particle
image pair; the peak of the corresponding particle images is
detected in I1 and I2 in a ___neighborhood of search radius r___
(typically 1 or 2 pixels), centered in (i, j).


figure;plot(xdisparity);title('The mismatch (in px) of matching particles in int area A & B\newlineI wonder why it is sometimes extremely high...?\NewlineThe mismatch is sometimes larger than the image size...?')


%The paper says that 'the search radius is limited to 1 or two pixels'. So I will discard everything 
%that has a difference larger than 1.5 pixels. Because then the particles did not match well, 
%and probably they aren't matchin particles but just some poorly matching noise or something?

%we identify particles that are visible at the same position in image A and B (ideally, after image deformation all particles should be in identical positions.
%If the disparity is larger than the particle radius, then this can't be real, because then these particles did not have an overlap initially and something must have gone wrong. But what...?

xdisparity (xdisparity>threshold | xdisparity<-threshold)=nan;
ydisparity (ydisparity>threshold | ydisparity<-threshold)=nan;

%I am adding the mismatch in x and y direction:

figure;histogram(total_disparity);title('This is the distribution of particle mismatches')


%Find the mean and stdev of the mismatch per interrogation area
for slice_no=1:size(multiplied_images,3)
    %for every slice...

figure;histogram(per_slice_mean);title('Mean mismatch distribution over all interrogation areas (in px)')
figure;histogram(per_slice_stdev);title('Stdev of mismatch distribution over all interrogation areas (in px)')



%Equation 4 from the paper:
disp_error = sqrt(per_slice_mean.^2  + sqrt(per_slice_stdev ./ sqrt(amount_of_particles_pairs_per_IA)));
figure;histogram(disp_error);title('Estimation of the magnitude of the actual error (?)')


%Convert vector back to matrix
disp_error = permute(reshape(disp_error, [size(xtable')]), [2 1 3]);

figure;imagesc(disp_error);colorbar;title('Space-resolved error of the PIV data (in px)')

figure;imagesc(disp_error./velocity_magnitude *100);colorbar;title('Space-resolved error of the PIV data (in PERCENT)\newlineSeems to be way too high. Something is wrong?')
caxis([0 100]);



Shrediquette commented 2 years ago

I can't attach the data here for some reason, so here it is: You can just run the script to generate the above images.

Shrediquette commented 2 years ago

here is the updated & latest code giving pretty good looking results now: untitled

SaajHosseini commented 1 year ago

Hi, In the last provided script with the name "uncertainty_PIVlab" you have used the function of "multispot_SUBPIXGAUSS". However, there is no such defined function neither by the PIVlab software nor the first reference. Could you please specify this function?

Many thanks

Shrediquette commented 1 year ago

Hi, it is in the file in uncertainty_PIVlab.m

SaajHosseini commented 1 year ago

At first, I highly appreciate your reply. Moreover, I have used the PIVlab to post-process my experimental results, and I need to find its uncertainty. I have already read the mentioned paper and made a look at your code and referenced code. However, it was looking difficult to implement it for the experimental data. Therefore, I was wondering to ask have you ever made any guidance that could help me to measure the uncertainty of the PIV experiment by using your provided script?

Thanks a lot