yields an error, because the fileseperator is decided based on the CURRENT OS, not on the OS where the file was saved.
in sliderdisp:
if ispc==1 zeichen=strfind(filepath{j,1},'\'); else zeichen=strfind(filepath{j,1},'/'); end
Should not be using ispc, but look into the the variable filepath. Difficult to implement without access to Linux.
yields an error, because the fileseperator is decided based on the CURRENT OS, not on the OS where the file was saved. in sliderdisp:
if ispc==1 zeichen=strfind(filepath{j,1},'\'); else zeichen=strfind(filepath{j,1},'/'); end
Should not be using ispc, but look into the the variable filepath. Difficult to implement without access to Linux.