Shrinks99 /

Natron's New Website!
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Big PR! #3

Closed Songtech-0912 closed 2 years ago

Songtech-0912 commented 2 years ago

PR Description

This PR adds all the changes from my repo to yours. This is a much improved version of my previous PR with much cleaner changes.

Summary of changes:

According to git here are all files that were changed in some way:

✓ .gitignore
✓ 404.html
✓ Gemfile
✓ Gemfile.lock
✓ _collections/_features/2d-compositing.html
✓ _collections/_features/cg-compositing.html
✓ _collections/_features/extensibility.html
✓ _collections/_features/pipeline.html
✓ _config.yml
✓ _includes/footer.html
✓ _includes/head.html
✓ _includes/nav.html
✓ _layouts/features.html
✓ _layouts/post.html
✓ _layouts/textpage.html
✓ _sass/_features.scss
✓ _sass/_global.scss
✓ _sass/_index.scss
✓ _sass/_nav-fadeout.scss
✓ _sass/_news.scss
✓ _sass/_textpost.scss
✓ css/main.scss
✓ features/index.html
✓ img/feature-images/feature-headless-2.png
✓ img/feature-images/feature-headless-2.svg
✓ index.html
✓ news.html
✓ site_collections/_features/2d-compositing.html
✓ site_collections/_features/cg-compositing.html
✓ site_collections/_features/extensibility.html
✓ site_collections/_features/pipeline.html
✓ site_collections/_posts/
✓ site_collections/_posts/
✓ site_collections/_posts/
Shrinks99 commented 2 years ago

I've added a few fixes but this is good enough for me to merge it and continue working on it! Thanks for adding all these things!

I have one single question however...

When you nest your SCSS code you do it with a >, example:

.newsarticles-card-description {
    >h3 {
        margin-top: 0.7rem;

Is there a reason for this? I have never done it and I'm pretty sure it isn't required?

ALSO is there any reason to keep the old collections and posts folders around now that you've moved everything into the proper places?

Songtech-0912 commented 2 years ago

I agree with the > operator, it isn't really necessary, I sometimes forget I'm writing sass instead of regular CSS :P. You can remove them and replace them with the ordinary sass nested blocks. There is one slight advantage to them - using the child selector only targets the child elements of an element (one level down), while descendant selectors (like .newsarticles-card p) target all descendants, which can make it much harder to target just the child elements. In the cases I use them though...I don't think it makes that much of a difference.

As for the collections and posts folder, unfortunately, they have to be kept at site_collections/_features and site_collections/_posts respectively. I honestly do not understand why Jekyll insists upon this, it seems bizarre to me, but apparently there is a bug with Jekyll that doesn't allow a collections folder to start with an underscore if you're using posts. Again, no idea why, but that's why I have to keep them as-is.