Shrouded-Edge-Games / ShardsOfCandra

Repo to hold the beginnings of our new game where you combine powers to solve puzzles and your choices matter
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What is our time period / theme? #21

Open sehaubold opened 1 year ago

sehaubold commented 1 year ago

Unsure if this is just a temporary phase, but i have been really enjoying jazz. Scrap the elemental concepts and go from here Character is in a mafia heavy cityscape Each element is an base concept of his ability that can combine. To be honest these can still be elements, but this reverses the flow of theme decisions -> character develops base components rather than vice versa

sehaubold commented 1 year ago

Tried and true fantasy with a balance maker order that trains the main character

sehaubold commented 1 year ago

Future technological anomaly that is able to manipulate base components of electricity to create powers Derived from fire and lightning?

sehaubold commented 1 year ago

Fantasy Theme with potential plothooks for mafia bits somehow.

sehaubold commented 1 year ago