Shrouded-Edge-Games / ShardsOfCandra

Repo to hold the beginnings of our new game where you combine powers to solve puzzles and your choices matter
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Upskill: Dev Tools #59

Open sehaubold opened 1 year ago

sehaubold commented 1 year ago

System / Aspect: Creation of game specific tools Description: Things like console commands or UI that shows specific events triggering Basic understanding of this would include:

  1. How to print to console or a UI element
  2. How to trigger the Dev tool effect (i.e. display log)
  3. How to make a console command and enter it in real time for effect

Commits to this issues should include an overview of the aspect you were working on (i.e. Particle Color Change On Velocity) and the description (if able) should make note of anything that you feel other folks would like to know or problems you ran into. (not something to stress about if you don't, just a time saver for other peeps)