Shtanglitza / osm-ifc

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Open bbrangeo opened 3 years ago

bbrangeo commented 3 years ago

Hello, how do we compile the project? lein or boot ?

I tried lein uberjar, without success "clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not find artifact borkdude:edamame:jar:0.0.11-alpha.12".

Thank you

bbrangeo commented 3 years ago

It's ok I add in project.clj :

:plugins [[reifyhealth/lein-git-down "0.3.7"] [s3-wagon-private "1.3.4"] [lein-tools-deps "0.4.5"]


:middleware [lein-git-down.plugin/inject-properties lein-tools-deps.plugin/resolve-dependencies-with-deps-edn ] :lein-tools-deps/config {:config-files [:install :user :project] :resolve-aliases [:test]}

bbrangeo commented 3 years ago

I am a beginner in Clojure. Can you give me an example (main) of how to use osm-ifc?

ex: lein run

No :main namespace specified in project.clj.


bbrangeo commented 3 years ago

(defn hello [] (println "Hello world!") )

(defn -main [] (hello) (reduce (fn [x y] (conj x (conj y 0) (conj y 10))) [] l)

;; (pprint/pprint y)

(pprint/pprint z)

;;(pprint/pprint o)

;;(pprint/pprint p)

;;(pprint/pprint k)

;; (pprint/pprint l)

(filter #(:building (:tags (val %))) z) (filter #(:highway (:tags (val %))) z)

(create-clj-struct z) )