Shubhabrata08 / AudioClassificationTFLite

This project aims to classify UrbanSound8K audio and deploy the model to a microcontroller
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feat: adds tensorflowlite model #6

Open SugnikMukherjee opened 5 months ago

SugnikMukherjee commented 5 months ago

Made a tensorflowlite model using tflite converter to work on edge devices after creating a simple ANN model

AnmolSharma0001 commented 5 months ago

Made a tensorflowlite model using tflite converter to work on edge devices after creating a simple ANN model

Please list issue number for this corresponding pr(like #) and add files which converts tensorflow models to tf-lite along with the demo model. And detailed documentation along with this as well

SugnikMukherjee commented 5 months ago

Do I need to upload the .ipynb file from google colab? I have already uploaded the tflite model file.I will be uploading the necessary documentation within a while. I haven't used quantization here. What are the files I am missing?