Shubham8287 / flash

Type ahead server for learning systems tradeoff
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1st set of stress testing #30

Open Shubham8287 opened 2 years ago

Shubham8287 commented 2 years ago

Going through this -

Shubham8287 commented 2 years ago

and this -

Shubham8287 commented 2 years ago

Checking node exporter

RiteshKSingh1709 commented 2 years ago

what are the result of above two btw @Shubham8287 ? you can also put the findings help others to understand and easier for you as well to compare.

Shubham8287 commented 2 years ago

Tried node exporter + prometheus + grafana for systems metrcics, the system is overkilling for us. Realized all such tools rely on basic linux commands like top, iostat, etc but anyway got good exposed to collect metrics of large system.

Shubham8287 commented 2 years ago

I was doing stress testing, started with pi but memory card is bottleneck there CPU spending 99% time idle. for go server, it is not accepting more than 1000 concurrent requests, failing with error "too many open files".

tried healthcheck benchmark with 'ab', found something strange. "ab -n 200000 -c 1000 http://localhost:8080/isAlive", returns 116ms median whereas " ab -n 200000 -c 1 http://localhost:8080/isAlive", returns 1ms median. Ideally response time should decrease if making request in parallel, might be due to caching. need to check.

Shubham8287 commented 2 years ago

this thread fixed open files error -