ShuhuaGao / geppy

A framework for gene expression programming (an evolutionary algorithm) in Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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multi #13

Closed waynezw0618 closed 5 years ago

waynezw0618 commented 5 years ago

Hello Again @ShuhuaGao @bolz213

I am trying geppy to fit N 3X3 tensor Bij (it is actually a symmetrical tensor, so I wrote it like a vector of size 6)with two scalar list I1,I2 of size N and two 3X3 tensor list V1,V2 with fitness defined as tensorDot(Bij, PBij)/(tensordot(Bij,Bji)*tensordot(PBij, PBji)). but I get errors in my evaluation function like this: [[ATraceback (most recent call last): File "", line 109, in stats=stats, hall_of_fame=hof, verbose=True) File "/Users/weizhang/software/backup/geppy-master/geppy/algorithms/", line 100, in gep_simple for ind, fit in zip(invalid_individuals, fitnesses): File "", line 71, in evaluate Rp_i=np.array([[Yp[i,1],Yp[i,2],Yp[i,3]],[Yp[i,2],Yp[i,4],Yp[i,5]],[Yp[i,3],Yp[i,5],Yp[i,:6]]]) IndexError: too many indices for array

here is my evaluation function: `def evaluate(individual): """Evalute the fitness of an individual: MSE (mean squared error)""" func = toolbox.compile(individual) Yp = np.array(list(map(func,T1,T2,T3))) # predictions with the GEP model

print (np.shape(Yp),Yp)

a=0 b=0 c=0 for i in range(size): Ri=np.array([[bij[i,1],bij[i,2],bij[i,3]],[bij[i,2],bij[i,4],bij[i,5]],[bij[i,3],bij[i,5],bij[i,6]]]) Rp_i=np.array([[Yp[i,1],Yp[i,2],Yp[i,3]],[Yp[i,2],Yp[i,4],Yp[i,5]],[Yp[i,3],Yp[i,5],Yp[i,6]]])

print (Ri,np.shape(Ri))

a=a+np.tensordot(Rp_i,Ri) b=a+np.tensordot(Ri,Ri.T) c=c+np.tensordot(Rp_i,Rp_i.T)

return a/(b*c),`

I tried to print the PB, seems give me a array of(N,1) rather than expected (N,3,3) can you please give me some suggestion

ShuhuaGao commented 5 years ago

Hi, from this error information

File "", line 71, in evaluate Rp_i=np.array([[Yp[i,1],Yp[i,2],Yp[i,3]],[Yp[i,2],Yp[i,4],Yp[i,5]],[Yp[i,3],Yp[i,5],Yp[i,:6]]]) IndexError: too many indices for array

It seems your Yp is a 1d array here, right? Yp is generated by the following evaluation:

func = toolbox.compile(individual)
Yp = np.array(list(map(func,T1,T2,T3))) # predictions with the GEP model

How did you define your individual? If the output of your individual is just a scalar, then of course Yp is a 1d array. I guess you would expect a 1d array output from each individual. Please check your linker function if there are multiple genes in one individual.

waynezw0618 commented 5 years ago

Hi thanks for replying soon the individual is defined normally as toolbox.register('individual', creator.Individual, gene_gen=toolbox.gene_gen, n_genes=n_genes, linker=operator.add) ...

n_genes = 2 toolbox.register('individual', creator.Individual, gene_gen=toolbox.gene_gen, n_genes=n_genes, linker=operator.add)

seems the out put is not always a scalar. it is just during the iteration. sometimes it goes to zero.

my input data are imported from a text file I_train = np.genfromtxt('lamda_train.dat') T_train = np.genfromtxt('T_train.dat').reshape([-1, 3, 6]) bij = np.genfromtxt('bij_train.dat') I1=I_train[:,0] I2=I_train[:,1] I3=I_train[:,2] T1=T_train[:,0,:] T2=T_train[:,1,:] T3=T_train[:,2,:] size=np.shape(I1)[0]

so shape(I1-I3)=(size,1) shape(T1-T3)=(size,6) (as it is a symmetrical tensor).

waynezw0618 commented 5 years ago

I actually only modified some part of tutorial. `import geppy as gep import geppy as gep from deap import creator, base, tools import numpy as np import random

for reproduction

s = 10 random.seed(s) np.random.seed(s)

whether enable linear scaling


I_train = np.genfromtxt('lamda_train.dat') T_train = np.genfromtxt('T_train.dat').reshape([-1, 3, 6]) bij = np.genfromtxt('bij_train.dat') I1=I_train[:,0] I2=I_train[:,1] I3=I_train[:,2] T1=T_train[:,0,:] T2=T_train[:,1,:] T3=T_train[:,2,:] size=np.shape(I1)[0]

def protected_div(a, b): if np.isscalar(b): if abs(b) < 1e-6: b = 1 else: b[abs(b) < 1e-6] = 1 return a / b

import operator

pset = gep.PrimitiveSet('Main', input_names=['I1','I2','I3','T1','T2','T3']) pset.add_function(operator.add, 2) pset.add_function(operator.sub, 2) pset.add_function(operator.mul, 2) pset.add_function(protected_div, 2) pset.add_ephemeral_terminal(name='enc', gen=lambda: random.uniform(-5, 5)) # each ENC is a random integer within [-10, 10]

from deap import creator, base, tools

creator.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1,)) # to minimize the objective (fitness) creator.create("Individual", gep.Chromosome, fitness=creator.FitnessMin, a=float, b=float)

h = 7 # head length n_genes = 2 # number of genes in a chromosome

toolbox = gep.Toolbox() toolbox.register('gene_gen', gep.Gene, pset=pset, head_length=h) toolbox.register('individual', creator.Individual, gene_gen=toolbox.gene_gen, n_genes=n_genes, linker=operator.add) toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)

compile utility: which translates an individual into an executable function (Lambda)

toolbox.register('compile', gep.compile_, pset=pset)

def evaluate(individual): """Evalute the fitness of an individual: MSE (mean squared error)""" func = toolbox.compile(individual) yp = np.array(list(map(func,I1,I2,I3,T1,T2,T3))) # predictions with the GEP model a=0 b=0 c=0 for i in range(size): Yp=np.zeros(6)


    if np.shape(yp)!=(size,6):
    #   print(yp,np.shape(yp[i]))
#print (a,b,c,a/(b*c))
return a/(b*c),

def evaluate_linear_scaling(individual): """Evaluate the fitness of an individual with linearly scaled MSE. Get a and b by minimizing (a*Yp + b - Y)""" func = toolbox.compile(individual) Yp = np.array(list(map(func,I1,I2,I3,T1,T2,T3))) # predictions with the GEP model

# special cases: (1) individual has only a terminal 
#  (2) individual returns the same value for all test cases, like 'x - x + 10'. np.linalg.lstsq will fail in such cases.

if isinstance(Yp, np.ndarray):
    Q = np.hstack((np.reshape(Yp, (-1, 1)), np.ones((len(Yp), 1))))
    (individual.a, individual.b), residuals, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(Q, bij, rcond=None)   
    # residuals is the sum of squared errors
    if residuals.size > 0:
        return residuals[0] / len(Y),   # MSE

# for the above special cases, the optimal linear scaling is just the mean of true target values
individual.a = 0
individual.b = np.mean(Y)
return np.mean((Y - individual.b) ** 2),

if LINEAR_SCALING: toolbox.register('evaluate', evaluate_linear_scaling) else: toolbox.register('evaluate', evaluate)

toolbox.register('select', tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)

1. general operators

toolbox.register('mut_uniform', gep.mutate_uniform, pset=pset, ind_pb=0.05, pb=1) toolbox.register('mut_invert', gep.invert, pb=0.1) toolbox.register('mut_is_transpose', gep.is_transpose, pb=0.1) toolbox.register('mut_ris_transpose', gep.ris_transpose, pb=0.1) toolbox.register('mut_gene_transpose', gep.gene_transpose, pb=0.1) toolbox.register('cx_1p', gep.crossover_one_point, pb=0.4) toolbox.register('cx_2p', gep.crossover_two_point, pb=0.2) toolbox.register('cx_gene', gep.crossover_gene, pb=0.1) toolbox.register('mut_ephemeral', gep.mutate_uniform_ephemeral, ind_pb='1p') # 1p: expected one point mutation in an individual toolbox.pbs['mut_ephemeral'] = 1 # we can also give the probability via the pbs property

stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind:[0]) stats.register("avg", np.mean) stats.register("std", np.std) stats.register("min", np.min) stats.register("max", np.max)

size of population and number of generations

n_pop = 10 n_gen = 200

pop = toolbox.population(n=n_pop) hof = tools.HallOfFame(3) # only record the best three individuals ever found in all generations

start evolution

pop, log = gep.gep_simple(pop, toolbox, n_generations=n_gen, n_elites=1, stats=stats, hall_of_fame=hof, verbose=True)


for i in range(3): ind = hof[i] symplified_model = gep.simplify(ind) if LINEAR_SCALING: symplified_model = ind.a * symplified_model + ind.b print('Symplified best individual {}: '.format(i)) print(symplified_model)

we want use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph

rename_labels = {'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'protected_div': '/'}
best_ind = hof[0] gep.export_expression_tree(best_ind, rename_labels, 'data/numerical_expression_tree.png')

show the above image here for convenience

from IPython.display import Image Image(filename='data/numerical_expression_tree.png')`

ShuhuaGao commented 5 years ago

(1) Do you always require your individual output to be a vector? If not, your Yp would be a 1d array and Rp_i=np.array([[Yp[i,1],Yp[i,2],Yp[i,3]],[Yp[i,2],Yp[i,4],Yp[i,5]],[Yp[i,3],Yp[i,5],Yp[i,:6]]]) will not work.

(2) From

n_genes = 2
toolbox.register('individual', creator.Individual, gene_gen=toolbox.gene_gen, n_genes=n_genes, linker=operator.add)

, it seems your linker just adds up the two genes' outputs. If the genes output a vector (or a list), your final output of the individual would be a vector as well. Otherwise, it may be a scalar, and we come back to (1).

(3) Note that the expression tree in GEP is evolved randomly and you must consider all possible cases to make your output legal. Your primitive set contains four operators. The combination of these operators and your input may finally generate a scalar. You should handle these special cases in your linker or your evaluate functions.

waynezw0618 commented 5 years ago

Hi Yes I am using GEP to predict a tensor Bij as a function of tensors T1,T2,... and scalars I1,I2,I3, so I think individual output to be a tensor(vector). One thing I am not very sure is that since there are scalars in the input as you mentioned in (3), it could be possible to generator scalar in the solution. I would like to know how to play with this situation, any suggestion?

ShuhuaGao commented 5 years ago

Let's take linker as an example.

You can define your own linking function instead of the operator.add. Since you have two genes in one chromosome, your linker should accept two arguments, say a and b. In your custom linker function, check whether a (b) is a vector or a scalar and do some proper pre-processing. Just guarantee that the final output of your custom linker is always a 1d vector. (This idea is similar to what has been done in protected_div.)

waynezw0618 commented 5 years ago

Do I have to have two gene?

ShuhuaGao commented 5 years ago

You can have any number of genes as you like. I just gave an example.

waynezw0618 commented 5 years ago

ok,Again, Could I calculate couples functions Gi, so that the inputs are scalar I1,I2,I3..., So that Gi is G1(I1,I2,I3,..) and out puts are sum(Gi*Ti) so I dont need to runs into a function of tensor?