Closed Aidymouse closed 1 year ago
This is because of how PixiJS 7's EventSystem
has changed pointer events − such that they only trigger. I'm open to a PR fixing this − probably would have to inject the stage
into the transformer, so it uses that for pointermove events.
We recently added globalpointermove event for just this purpose. Will be in 7.2.0
@ShukantPal I've made a PR for this issue, using the solution mentioned by @bigtimebuddy
Hey guys, did changing for globalpointermove worked for you? I've ported the code to a POC, and the bug remains.
@ShukantPal @bigtimebuddy, any tips on how to fix it? I can do a PR as soon as I can fix it!
The transformer works fine but only when the mouse stays within the handles. Any ideas what might be causing this?
I do have some mouse events on the stage, could that be doing something weird?