ShunChengWu / SceneGraphFusion

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Not able to run with example sequence #16

Closed orsveri closed 2 years ago

orsveri commented 2 years ago

Hello! I successfully built exe_GraphSLAM, but when I try to run it with example sequence, I get the following error:

./exe_GraphSLAM --pth_in <3RScan_dir>/3RScan/data/3RScan/4acaebcc-6c10-2a2a-858b-29c7e4fb410d/sequence/
I0131 10:08:21.957] Buliding data loader...
detect data type: 3RScanI0131 10:08:22.160] Building renderer...
I0131 10:08:24.818] Building framework...
I0131 10:08:24.818] start processing frames...
V0131 10:08:24.822] process frame: 1
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
  what():  OpenCV(4.5.5-dev) <opencv_build_directory>/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:4055: error: (-215:Assertion failed) inv_scale_x > 0 in function 'resize'

Aborted (core dumped)

Could you give me a cue what to look for and where, please? I assumed that different OpenCV version isn't a problem here, but maybe it is.

ShunChengWu commented 2 years ago

hm... It's hard to say but probably the images are not loaded. try to plot them or resave them after loading.

orsveri commented 2 years ago

The error happens on this line: libGraphSLAM/GraphSLAM:78 I tried to add the following piece just above this line:

// debug
std::cout << "process frame : " << std::endl;
std::cout << "pose " << *pose << std::endl;
std::cout << "D w : " << depthImage.cols << std::endl;
std::cout << "D h: " << depthImage.rows << std::endl;
std::cout << "RGB w : " << colorImage.cols << std::endl;
std::cout << "RGB h: " << colorImage.rows << std::endl;
inseg_->ProcessFrame(depthImage, colorImage);

and I got this output:

/home/ --pth_in /home/
detect data type: 3RScanI0131 23:12:26.826] Buliding data loader...
I0131 23:12:27.028] Building renderer...
I0131 23:12:29.776] Building framework...
I0131 23:12:29.779] start processing frames...
V0131 23:12:29.782] process frame: 1
process frame : 
pose   0.0228455    -0.66513   -0.746379      20.175
  -0.999622 -0.00380361  -0.0272072     -1.8562
  0.0152574    0.746719   -0.664966    -43.6553
         -0           0           0           1
D w : 960
D h: 540
RGB w : 960
RGB h: 540
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what():  OpenCV(4.5.5-dev) /home/ error: (-215:Assertion failed) inv_scale_x > 0 in function 'resize'

So it seems that image is loaded correctly.

ShunChengWu commented 2 years ago

It is still not obvious to me. I think the problem is more related to the operating system instead of the main code. I don't think I can help here. Maybe you can try to run the code in a virtual machine?

orsveri commented 2 years ago

Hello! Thank you for your advice. I'll try it after I test the idea that it may happen because of the negative or zero fx or fy in cv::resize function: cv::resize(src, dst, Size(), fx, fy, interpolation); I found the line that my error message refers to: opencv repo, modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:4055 It seems that it gets zero dsize and tries to apply fx and fy. So I'll see if I can do anything about it first

orsveri commented 2 years ago

Hi! I changed OpenCV version from 4.5.5 (built from source) to 4.2.0 (installed via apt). After this I wasn't able to build GraphSLAM without GUI, because it couldn't find imgui.h. But after this I ran build with GUI option, it reloaded libGUI3D and everything has been working like a charm since then, yay! Thank you for support!