Open Peterxjerk opened 2 years ago
(sorry this computer I am using has no pinyin input methods)
Let me know how it works.
Hi @ShuoYangRobotics ,
I've observed the same problem when I used mpc in Gazebo. When the robot is standing, we can observe some shaking of the body and legs. This won't happen in the qp version. So for me the qp looks stabler than the mpc when walking on even ground. I was wondering if this is fixed yet? Many thanks.
I will tune the MPC gazebo gain a little bit. MPC should always performs better than QP when fine tuned.
Let me know how it works.
We will test this fixed pkg in this week, thank you for your help.
I will tune the MPC gazebo gain a little bit. MPC should always performs better than QP when fine tuned.
Hi, in the latest version, the mpc is not working well. I observe that after running "rosrun unitree_controller unitree_servo" in the stance mode. It happens frequently that the mpc leads to a strange behavior and the robot falls down. On the contrary, the QP one works well in simulation. Btw, I am using the original A1 model.
I found the old version which was committed on April 24 works fine for simulation. MPC in later versions cause shaking legs in stance mode in gazebo while qp's performance is acceptable.
你好,我们首先按照README的方法在gazebo中运行。当执行完rosrun unitree_controller unitree_servo和rosrun unitree_controller unitree_move_kinetic这两条命令之后机器人四条腿处于支撑状态并回到原点位置,再运行控制器roslaunch a1_cpp a1_ctrl.launch type:=gazebo solver_type:=mpc,机器人站立状态就会变得不稳定。我们通过XBOX手柄按A键,让机器人从站立变为行走模式,再按下A键之后,机器人变为站立模式,这个时候机器人的腿会出现抖动的情况。README里提到不同的电脑可能会有不同的性能,我们使用的电脑的配置的CPU是r7-4800h,显卡是2060的,会有可能是电脑性能不够的原因吗?我们的仿真中机器人处于行走模式的时候,和演示的视频效果是差不多的,但就是在启动阶段以及从行走模式切换回站立模式的时候会出现不稳定状态。演示视频中只有机器人启动之后的演示效果,不知道启动阶段是否也会存在这样的问题呢?