Shuraxxx / -Balboa-GS523DZ-with-panel-VL801D-DeluxeSerie--MQTT

Balboa-GS523DZ с панелью VL801D (DeluxeSerie) MQTT
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Running without display connected #6

Open luretrix opened 1 month ago

luretrix commented 1 month ago

EDITED Hi, I have taken the controller card to my lab Firmware: GS523DZR1B Date(?): 20111006 (Labeled on the microcontroller) The display (currently NOT connected) is: VL801D E8 SER DLX

Verified output from RJ45 connector, ONLY when i put BUTTON-Data pin High. Sampled data with Saleae Sample-data look similar to yours. Programmed a Wemos with firmware from this page and connected to spa. Unable to control the spa via MQTT.

Any thoughts?

Are SZ/DZ commands compatible?

Shuraxxx commented 1 month ago

Hi, I have taken the controller card to my lab Firmware: GS523DZR1B Date(?): 20111006 (Labeled on the microcontroller)

Verified output from RJ45 connector, ONLY when i put Display-Data pin High. Sampled data with Saleae Sample-data look similar to yours. Programmed a Wemos with firmware from this page and connected to spa. Unable to control the spa via MQTT.

Any thoughts?

Are SZ/DZ commands compatible?

the commands come from the display not from the controller. the controller stores data

Shuraxxx commented 1 month ago

the pin must be pulled to ground through a resistor

luretrix commented 1 month ago

Thanks for answer :) I have Not connected the display. Only my Wemos I have a 1k pulldown on Button-Data pin. Tested pulldown on Display-data as well - No change Still no output from the Balboa controller board.

Only outputs data when i pull Button-Data pin high. But i am unable to send data to the controller via mqtt. It reaches the wemos - But does not update the Balboa controller

Shuraxxx commented 1 month ago

maybe the date bits don't match. what display do you have?

luretrix commented 1 month ago

VL801D E8 SER DLX. not connected.

luretrix commented 1 month ago

Did you test your controller without display connected?

Shuraxxx commented 1 month ago

Did you test your controller without display connected?

it doesn't work without display. The data is sent by the display. controller stores data

luretrix commented 1 month ago

Then I have to get the display to continue. I misunderstood. This is a beatiful project & I cant wait to get it running. Thank you for you hard work on this :)

Shuraxxx commented 1 month ago

Then I have to get the display to continue. I misunderstood. This is a beatiful project & I cant wait to get it running. Thank you for you hard work on this :)

should work with your display