Closed voladorlu closed 2 years ago
I also have the same question, how to get rules from _gelayers and _lelayers and _ruleweight
You may modify the following codes to show rules.
# coding=utf-8
import pickle
import sys
import os
import re
import socket
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score, auc
from scipy import stats
import torch
import treelib
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
sys.path.insert(0, './')
from enrl.configs.constants import *
from enrl.configs.settings import *
from enrl.models import *
def read_model(model_name, model_version, dataset_name, model_args=None):
if model_args is None:
model_args = {}
model = eval('{0}.{0}'.format(model_name))(**model_args)
# # # read data
# reader = model.read_data(dataset_dir=os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, dataset_name))
# # # init modules
# model.init_modules()
# model.summarize(mode='full')
# # # init metrics
# train_metrics = model_args['train_metrics'] if 'train_metrics' in model_args else None
# val_metrics = model_args['val_metrics'] if 'val_metrics' in model_args else None
# test_metrics = model_args['test_metrics'] if 'test_metrics' in model_args else None
# model.init_metrics(train_metrics=train_metrics, val_metrics=val_metrics,
# test_metrics=test_metrics)
# # load ckpt
log_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, dataset_name, model_name, model_version)
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(log_dir, CKPT_DIR, CKPT_F + '.ckpt')
hparams_file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'hparams.yaml')
model.load_model(checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, hparams_file=hparams_file)
return model
def translate_context(model, op, f, ctxt_v, bin_dict):
# print(f, op)
if op == '<=' or op == '>=':
lo, hi = model.nu_dict[f]
# print(f, lo, hi)
f_embeddings = model.numeric_embeddings.weight[lo:hi + 1]
ctxt_vs = ctxt_v.expand_as(f_embeddings)
le_vs = model.le_layers([f_embeddings, ctxt_vs], dim=-1)).flatten().detach().cpu().numpy()
ge_vs = model.ge_layers([f_embeddings, ctxt_vs], dim=-1)).flatten().detach().cpu().numpy()
v_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(le_vs - ge_vs))
if bin_dict is not None and (f in bin_dict or f[:-2] in bin_dict):
if f in bin_dict:
lo, hi = bin_dict[f][v_idx], bin_dict[f][v_idx + 1]
lo, hi = bin_dict[f[:-2]][v_idx], bin_dict[f[:-2]][v_idx + 1]
v_idx = '{}:({},{}]'.format(v_idx, lo, hi)
lo, hi = model.mh_dict[f]
f_embeddings = model.multihot_embeddings.weight[lo:hi + 1]
ctxt_vs = ctxt_v.expand_as(f_embeddings)
in_vs = model.blto_layers([f_embeddings, ctxt_vs], dim=-1)).flatten().detach().cpu().numpy()
# v_idx = in_vs.argsort()[::-1]
v_idx = in_vs.argsort()[-5:][::-1]
v_idx = list(v_idx[in_vs[v_idx] > 0.5])
# if len(v_idx) > 0:
# print(in_vs)
if bin_dict is not None:
v_idx = '{}:[{}]'.format(str(v_idx), ','.join([bin_dict[f][c] for c in v_idx])).replace(' ', '')
# print(v_idx)
return str(v_idx).replace(' ', '')
def translate_voting_weights(model, state_vs):
states = [state_vs[-1]]
idx = len(state_vs) - 1
while idx > 0:
parent_idx = (idx - 1) // 2
yn = 0 if idx % 2 == 1 else 1
parent_state = state_vs[parent_idx][yn].expand_as(states[-1])
states.insert(0, parent_state)
idx = parent_idx
states =, dim=-1)
v_w = model.rule_weight_layers(states)
return v_w.flatten().detach().cpu().numpy()
def draw_tree(model, tree_idx, bin_dict):
nuf_list = list(model.nu_dict.keys())
mhf_list = list(model.mh_dict.keys())
nu_num = len(nuf_list)
mh_num = len(mhf_list)
nas_w = model.nas_w[tree_idx]
state_vs = []
tree = treelib.Tree()
for node_idx in range(model.node_n):
node_w = nas_w[node_idx]
op_idx = node_w.argmax().cpu().numpy()
if op_idx < nu_num:
op = '>='
f_idx = op_idx
f = nuf_list[f_idx]
ctxt_v = model.ge_v[tree_idx][node_idx][f_idx]
ctxt = translate_context(model, op, f, ctxt_v, bin_dict)
state_2v = model.ge_state_layers(ctxt_v).view(2, -1)
elif op_idx < 2 * nu_num:
op = '<='
f_idx = op_idx - nu_num
f = nuf_list[f_idx]
ctxt_v = model.le_v[tree_idx][node_idx][f_idx]
ctxt = translate_context(model, op, f, ctxt_v, bin_dict)
state_2v = model.le_state_layers(ctxt_v).view(2, -1)
op = 'in'
f_idx = op_idx - 2 * nu_num
f = mhf_list[f_idx]
ctxt_v = model.blto_v[tree_idx][node_idx][f_idx]
ctxt = translate_context(model, op, f, ctxt_v, bin_dict)
state_2v = model.blto_state_layers(ctxt_v).view(2, -1)
node_str = '{} {} {}'.format(f, op, ctxt)
if node_idx >= model.node_n // 2:
yes_w, no_w = translate_voting_weights(model, state_vs)
node_str += ' {:.4f},{:.4f}'.format(yes_w, no_w)
parent = (node_idx - 1) // 2
if parent < 0:
tree.create_node('{} {}'.format(node_idx, node_str), node_idx)
tree.create_node('{} {}'.format(node_idx, node_str), node_idx, parent=parent)
return tree
def read_bin_dict(dataset_name):
bin_path = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, dataset_name, 'bin_dict.pkl')
bin_dict = pickle.load(open(bin_path, 'rb')) if os.path.exists(bin_path) else None
if bin_dict is None:
return None
for key in bin_dict:
if type(bin_dict[key]) is dict:
new_dict = {}
for c in bin_dict[key]:
new_dict[bin_dict[key][c]] = c
bin_dict[key] = new_dict
return bin_dict
def reverse_tag(tag):
if ' <= ' in tag:
tag = tag.replace(' <= ', ' > ')
elif ' >= ' in tag:
tag = tag.replace(' >= ', ' < ')
tag = tag.replace(' in ', ' notin ')
return tag
def draw_rules(model, bin_dict):
rules = []
for tree_idx in range(model.rule_n):
tree = draw_tree(model, tree_idx, bin_dict)
# print(tree.nodes)
for leaf_idx in range(model.node_n // 2, model.node_n):
leaf_node = tree.get_node(leaf_idx)
tags = leaf_node.tag.split(' ')
left_w, right_w = tags[-1].split(',')
left = [' '.join(tags[:-1] + [left_w])]
right = [reverse_tag(' '.join(tags[:-1] + [right_w]))]
while leaf_idx > 0:
parent_idx = (leaf_idx - 1) // 2
parent_node = tree.get_node(parent_idx)
parent_tag = parent_node.tag
if leaf_idx % 2 == 0:
parent_tag = reverse_tag(parent_tag)
# print(leaf_idx, parent_idx, parent_tag)
left.insert(0, parent_tag)
right.insert(0, parent_tag)
leaf_idx = parent_idx
rules.append((tree_idx, left))
rules.append((tree_idx, right))
results = []
for tree_idx, rule in rules:
weight = None
tree = treelib.Tree()
for idx, node in enumerate(rule):
if idx == 0:
tree.create_node(node, idx)
if idx != len(rule) - 1:
tree.create_node(node, idx, idx - 1)
node = node.split(' ')
weight = float(node[-1])
tree.create_node(' '.join(node[:-1]), idx, idx - 1)
results.append((weight, tree_idx, tree))
return results
def main():
# # deepest
dataset_name = 'adult'
model_version = '039cc7d4e47ee0bce50c_1951'
bin_dict = read_bin_dict(dataset_name)
model = read_model(model_name='Our', model_version=model_version, dataset_name=dataset_name)
tree = draw_tree(model, 0, bin_dict)
rules = draw_rules(model, bin_dict)
rules = sorted(rules, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
for w, tree, rule in rules[:10] + rules[-10:]:
print(w, tree)
# print(draw_tree(model, 19, bin_dict))
# print(draw_tree(model, 22, bin_dict))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@Shuriken13 Thank you so much for sharing the complete code. From the definition of translate_context, the threshold to parse the ecm for categorical feature is set to 0.5, right? -:)
yes~ you may adjust it if necessary
Thanks so much. That's an awesome project.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing such important code. From the implementation, it's clear to get how the model is defined. While, it's still not easy to get how to extract the rules from categorical features. May I ask how to decide the threshold \gamma for categorical feature, when parsing the rules from the well-trained model? Do you have any suggestion or experiences to share about how to choose the threshold value? -:)