Shushuda / Mappy-Continued

Continuation of Mappy addon for World of Warcraft
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

script ran too long #12

Open Mrothyr opened 3 weeks ago

Mrothyr commented 3 weeks ago

2x Mappy/Mappy.lua:1097: script ran too long [string "@Mappy/Mappy.lua"]:1097: in function Function' [string "@Mappy/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua"]:242: in functionOnUpdate2' [string "@Mappy/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua"]:178: in function `OnUpdate' [string "@Mappy/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua"]:20: in function <.../Mappy/Libraries/MC2SchedulerLib/MC2SchedulerLib.lua:20>

Locals: self =

{ wasResting = false _OptionsPanel =
{ } enableBlips = true _ButtonOptionsPanel =
{ } CurrentProfile =
{ } ObjectIconsHighlightSmallOldPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_On_Small_Old" ObjectIconsHighlightSmallPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_On_Small" IsMounted = true ObjectIconsNormalSmallOldPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_Small_Old" OtherAddonButtonNames =
{ } CoordAnchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT" OptionsPanel = Frame { } UIElementsLibTexturePath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\" _MinimapButton =
{ } ObjectIconsNormalSmallPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_Small" BlizzardMinimalistButtons =
{ } EnableFlashingNodes = false LandmarkArrows =
{ } ObjectMetaTable =
{ } wasIndoors = false BlizzardButtonNames =
{ } IgnoreFrames =
{ } ObjectIconsHighlightLargePath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_On" TimeManagerBG = Texture { } InCombat = false CoordString = FontString { } MinimapButtonsByFrame =
{ } MinimapButtons =
{ } ProfilesPanel = Frame { } StackingInfo =
{ } AddonPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\" RotatingMinimapArrow =
{ } CornerInfoCCW =
{ } ObjectIconsNormalOldPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_Old" ProfileNameMap =
{ } DebugLib =
{ } ObjectIconsNormalLargePath = "Interface\MINIMAP\ObjectIconsAtlas" ObjectIconsNormalPath = "Interface\MINIMAP\ObjectIconsAtlas" _ProfilesPanel =
{ } StackingEnabled = true ObjectIconsHighlightPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_On" ButtonOptionsPanel = Frame { } ObjectIconsHighlightOldPath = "Interface\Addons\Mappy\Textures\ObjectIconsAtlas_On_Old" CornerInfo =
{ } Object =
{ } CoordAnchorInfo =
{ } StartingCorner = "TOPRIGHT" EventLib =
{ } UIElementsLib =
{ } CoordInfo =
{ } DebugColorCode = "|cff19ff19" SchedulerLib =
{ } } (temporary) = 4 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
{ layouts =
{ } activeLayout = 4 } (temporary) = false (temporary) = EditModeManagerFrame { advancedOptionsEnabled = true AccountSettings = Frame { } RevertAllChangesButton = Button { } LayoutDropdown = Button { } accountSettings =
{ } modernSystemMap =
{ } dirty = false GridSpacingSlider = Frame { } numLayouts =
{ } ShowGridCheckButton = Frame { } EnableSnapCheckButton = Frame { } Title = FontString { } fixedWidth = 510 snapEnabled = true EnableAdvancedOptionsCheckButton = Frame { } modernSystems =
{ } hasActiveChanges = false Tutorial = Button { } Border = Frame { } registeredSystemFrames =
{ } layoutApplyInProgress = false FramesBlockingEditMode =
{ } accountSettingMap =
{ } SaveChangesButton = Button { } Grid = Frame { } MagnetismPreviewLinesContainer = Frame { } CloseButton = Button { } layoutInfo =
{ } LayoutLabel = FontString { } } (temporary) = "EDIT_MODE_LAYOUTS_UPDATED" (temporary) =
{ layouts =
{ } activeLayout = 4 } (temporary) = false (temporary) = EditModeManagerFrame { advancedOptionsEnabled = true AccountSettings = Frame { } RevertAllChangesButton = Button { } LayoutDropdown = Button { } accountSettings =
{ } modernSystemMap =
{ } dirty = false GridSpacingSlider = Frame { } numLayouts =
{ } ShowGridCheckButton = Frame { } EnableSnapCheckButton = Frame { } Title = FontString { } fixedWidth = 510 snapEnabled = true EnableAdvancedOptionsCheckButton = Frame { } modernSystems =
{ } hasActiveChanges = false Tutorial = Button { } Border = Frame { } registeredSystemFrames =
{ } layoutApplyInProgress = false FramesBlockingEditMode =
{ } accountSettingMap =
{ } SaveChangesButton = Button { } Grid = Frame { }

Shushuda commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, when did this happen? On login, entering some area, shapeshift, etc?

Mrothyr commented 3 weeks ago

On login.