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Analytics, event tracking value is empty #70

Open tyohan opened 8 years ago

tyohan commented 8 years ago

@julianraj Thanks for updating the app with Firebase Analytics. I check the event tracking on Firebase but seems the value is empty. Are you passing the right params on logEvent method?

Based on this documentation

We can pass reserved params ITEM_ID (String) => content id ITEM_NAME (String) => content title ITEM_CATEGORY (String) => content sub category (ex do/don't, passport, etc)

Custom param ITEM_TYPE (String) => content type (video, audio, article, etc)

julianraj commented 8 years ago

@tyohan The value field in the firebasse analytics is actually for some monetary value of the triggered event. (at least its what the tool-tip says) selection_006

Also, I have used the same reserved params except for the ITEM_CATEGORY which I haven't included as of now. I'll look into what else we can do to get these data onto the dashboard. Do tell if you find some info too.

tyohan commented 8 years ago

@julianraj thanks to clarify, let's wait the data collected so we can see how it looks like. Thanks

tyohan commented 7 years ago

@julianraj i would like to remind to make sure we record the activity of users that we can track like content reading, share action, etc. Please make sure you track this in our new version. Thanks