SiLab-Bonn / pyBAR

Bonn ATLAS Readout in Python - A readout software for FEI4 pixel detectors
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Installation issue 'UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte' for pyBAR_fei4_interpreter@development #85

Closed OlivierHartmann closed 6 years ago

OlivierHartmann commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have a problem when installing pyBAR_fei4_interpreter@development with command: sudo -H pip install git+

I get this traceback:

Collecting git+
  Cloning (to development) to /tmp/pip-jtkmvS-build
    Complete output from command python egg_info:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-jtkmvS-build/", line 70, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 920, in cythonize
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 815, in create_extension_list
        kwds = deps.distutils_info(file, aliases, base).values
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 670, in distutils_info
        return (self.transitive_merge(filename, self.distutils_info0, DistutilsInfo.merge)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 680, in transitive_merge
        node, extract, merge, seen, {}, self.cimported_files)[0]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 691, in transitive_merge_helper
        for next in outgoing(node):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/", line 44, in wrapper
        res = cache[args] = f(self, *args)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 607, in cimported_files
        pxd_file = self.find_pxd(module, filename)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/", line 44, in wrapper
        res = cache[args] = f(self, *args)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Build/", line 591, in find_pxd
        pxd = self.context.find_pxd_file(relative, None)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Compiler/", line 239, in find_pxd_file
        pxd = self.search_include_directories(qualified_name, ".pxd", pos, sys_path=sys_path)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/Compiler/", line 280, in search_include_directories
        tuple(self.include_directories), qualified_name, suffix, pos, include, sys_path)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/", line 30, in wrapper
        res = cache[args] = f(*args)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cython/", line 148, in search_include_directories
        path = os.path.join(dir, dotted_filename)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 73, in join
        path += '/' + b
    UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 17: ordinal not in range(128)

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-jtkmvS-build/

I have installed all required packages before. What's wrong ? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Thank you

laborleben commented 6 years ago

You are using your system's Python interpreter which is located in /usr/local/lib/python2.7. The Python interpreter and packaged that comes with Ubuntu may be outdated (Cython, numba, etc.) and aren't compatible with our software. We recommend using Anaconda/Miniconda Python which can be installed locally into your home folder and doesn't interfere with your system's Python interpreter.

laborleben commented 6 years ago

Can you post pip list?

OlivierHartmann commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for replying.

 pip list
alabaster (0.7.10)
asn1crypto (0.22.0)
Babel (2.5.0)
backports-abc (0.5)
backports.functools-lru-cache (1.4)
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0)
backports.ssl-match-hostname (
bitarray (0.8.1)
certifi (2017.7.27.1)
cffi (1.10.0)
chardet (3.0.4)
conda (4.3.30)
cryptography (2.0.3)
cycler (0.10.0)
Cython (0.26.1)
decorator (4.1.2)
docutils (0.14)
enum34 (1.1.6)
funcsigs (1.0.2)
functools32 (3.2.3.post2)
idna (2.6)
imagesize (0.7.1)
ipaddress (1.0.18)
ipython (5.4.1)
ipython-genutils (0.2.0)
Jinja2 (2.9.6)
llvmlite (0.20.0)
MarkupSafe (1.0)
matplotlib (2.1.0)
mock (2.0.0)
nose (1.3.7)
numba (0.35.0+10.g143f70e90.dirty)
numexpr (2.6.2)
numpy (1.13.3)
pathlib2 (2.3.0)
pbr (3.1.1)
pexpect (4.2.1)
pickleshare (0.7.4)
pip (9.0.1)
prompt-toolkit (1.0.15)
ptyprocess (0.5.2)
pycosat (0.6.2)
pycparser (2.18)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pyOpenSSL (17.2.0)
pyparsing (2.2.0)
pyserial (3.4)
PySocks (1.6.7)
python-dateutil (2.6.1)
pytz (2017.2)
PyYAML (3.12)
pyzmq (16.0.2)
requests (2.18.4)
ruamel-yaml (0.11.14)
scandir (1.6)
scipy (1.0.0)
setuptools (36.5.0.post20170921)
simplegeneric (0.8.1)
singledispatch (
six (1.10.0)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
Sphinx (1.6.3)
sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.0.1)
subprocess32 (3.2.7)
tables (3.4.2)
tornado (4.5.2)
traitlets (4.3.2)
typing (3.6.2)
urllib3 (1.22)
wcwidth (0.1.7)
wheel (0.29.0)
OlivierHartmann commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I don't really understand. If I should use miniconda only, how should I install pyBAR_fei4_interpreter with it then?

laborleben commented 6 years ago

I set up the pyBAR_fei4_interpreter with the command form above and it worked like a charm. I used Ubuntu's (16.04) Python interpreter and the packages on my system had the same version numbers as in your pip list printout.

Can you check if there is no other Cython than Cython==0.26.1 in your /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ folder? Maybe remove (rm -r) any occurrence of Cython and reinstall Cython via pip.

If you are using Anaconda/Miniconda, the commands are exactly the same (but without sudo). To use Anaconda/Miniconda, the Anaconda/Miniconda path has to be added to the PATH variable (this can be done during installation of Anaconda/Miniconda). Please check the of the corresponding branch. Just copy and paste the commands.

OlivierHartmann commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have done what you said but it changed nothing. But it's not grave, I found another way to do what I wanted. Thanks anyway.