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#41 [mfilter] Feature Request: allow usage of special characters in Model Creator formulas #241

Open miguelalba opened 6 years ago

miguelalba commented 6 years ago

When transferring formulas from scientific publications to the PMM-Lab systems users face the problem, that formulas containing special characters like ' or as part of the parameter names can not be entered right now. Nevertheless these characters are often used in scientific publications as part of parameter names, e.g. pH'; T*; aw_ref\. It would be nice if one could somehow allow these type of parameter names, so that a user can stick very close to the naming convention in the original scientific paper. This would for sure also support transparency with respect to a community formula library.

miguelalba commented 6 years ago

[cthoens] The first step will be to allow characters, that are not used as mathematical symbols. In version 2.0 further support might be added.

miguelalba commented 6 years ago

[cthoens] - milestone: 1.0 --> 2.0

miguelalba commented 6 years ago

[cthoens] Right now the following characters are allowed: digits, letter, "_", "$"

Additional characters might be added in Milestone 2.0