SiRumCz / CSC501

CSC501 assignments
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New endpoints visualizations #61

Closed soroushysfi closed 4 years ago

soroushysfi commented 4 years ago

I added interval trees and compared the data we had from the zip-file that Sean gave us to data that we processed from the year 2018. I think by doing this Sean will know that how the pre processing affected our visualizations. I also changed some things with the videos because Jonathan was saying they are not loading. I checked in both safari and chrome they are running without any problems. So let me know if they are still not showing. I couldn't render the html files in our app because they are really big. I think it's better if we put them in our project and mention them in our documentation. I mentioned them in our webpage to(that we have separate html files for them). @SiRumCz If you have started with the documentation share the google docs so that we can join too.