SiRumCz / CSC501

CSC501 assignments
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assignment3 techinical report google doc link #71

Open SiRumCz opened 4 years ago

SiRumCz commented 4 years ago

soroushysfi commented 4 years ago

I wrote almost everything we need for the visualization part for technical report. I described how our visualization section is related to Sean's visualization research paper and other papers(I referenced 3). So I think 50% percent of the mark would be covered! If you guys have anything else to add that would be great.

jonhealy1 commented 4 years ago

Hi @soroushysfi I think that you should finish the report. If you can run our code and add the visualizations I did that would be great. You would also have to run the command line stuff me and Kevin worked on and explain the different algorithms we used. Thanks!