Sian-Lee-SA / Home-Assistant-Switch-Manager

Switch manager is a centralised component to handle button pushes for your wireless switches. This includes anything passed through the event bus. The component relies on switch blueprints which is easily made to allow GUI configuration of your switches and their button pushes. This helps remove clutter from the automations.
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[Request] Feature to disable a switch via automation #226

Closed Stooovie closed 2 months ago

Stooovie commented 2 months ago

I love Switch Manager, thanks for that! What would've made it even more useful would be a way (a HA service maybe?) to temporarily disable a switch.

Use case: I have a button that controls music playback. Cleaning lady pushes it by accident and doesn't know what happened and how to turn the audio off. A temporary disable would fix that (I have a Cleaning Mode script that does some stuff like this).


Stooovie commented 2 months ago

Oh, I just realized I can check for the state of my Cleaning Mode as a condition.

Leaving this here for posterity, case closed.