SichangHe / internet_route_verification

RPSLyzer: Parse Routing Policy Specification Language from IRR and compare BGP routes against it
MIT License
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Percentage of ASes that specify RPSL rules #161

Closed SichangHe closed 2 months ago

SichangHe commented 4 months ago

ASes here include both the ones with aut-num in IRRs and the ones in CAIDA's AS relationship DB.

In [1]: from scripts.csv_files import *

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: df = pd.read_csv(as_neighbors_vs_rules.path)

In [5]: df
       aut_num  provider  peer  customer  import  export
0        42568         2     0         0       4       4
1        13418         1     0         0      -1      -1
2       263933         1     0         0       0       0
3       137210        -1    -1        -1       0       0
4       198931         1     0         0       2       2
...        ...       ...   ...       ...     ...     ...
95843   268949         2     0         0      -1      -1
95844   263583         2    28         4       2       2
95845   399367         2     0         0      -1      -1
95846    43651         2     0         0       2       2
95847    48570         2     0         0       1       1

[95848 rows x 6 columns]

In [6]: n_all = len(df)

In [7]: an_dedup = set(df["aut_num"])

In [9]: len(an_dedup)
Out[9]: 95848

In [11]: df["rules"] = df["import"] + df["export"]

In [12]: df_w_rule = df[df["rules"] > 0]

In [13]: df_w_rule
       aut_num  provider  peer  customer  import  export  rules
0        42568         2     0         0       4       4      8
4       198931         1     0         0       2       2      4
5        55700        -1    -1        -1       4       4      8
9        21785         2     0         0       2       2      4
10       39872         2     0         0       2       2      4
...        ...       ...   ...       ...     ...     ...    ...
95841   207145         2     0         0       2       2      4
95842    60841         1     0         0       6       6     12
95844   263583         2    28         4       2       2      4
95846    43651         2     0         0       2       2      4
95847    48570         2     0         0       1       1      2

[51002 rows x 7 columns]

In [14]: n_w_rule = len(df_w_rule)

In [15]: n_w_rule
Out[15]: 51002

In [17]: percentage = f"{n_w_rule * 100.0 / n_all:.1f}"

In [18]: percentage
Out[18]: '53.2'