Sicos1977 / MsgKit

A .NET library to make MSG files without the need for Outlook
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Can't send draft email via Outlook New #125

Closed dexxtr closed 3 months ago

dexxtr commented 4 months ago

I have the code below to create *.msg file and then open it for further sending. MsgKit v2.8.0

using (var email = new MsgKit.Email(new MsgKit.Sender("", string.Empty), _subject, true)) { email.Recipients.AddTo("") email.Subject = _subject; email.BodyText = _bodycontent; email.Importance = MsgKit.Enums.MessageImportance.IMPORTANCE_NORMAL; email.IconIndex = MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.NewMail; email.Attachments.Add(_sharedFilePath); email.Save(_msgFilePath); }

The file has been generated well. When I open it in Outlook New v1.2024.424.300 and Client Version is 202440419007.27 and trying to send the Outlook shows me the error message This message can't be sent right now. Please try again later.

At the same time, sending this *.msg file via Outlook Old works absolutely well. Do I need to change some settings or is it Outlook New issue?

Sicos1977 commented 4 months ago

I have no idea why you get this error in the new Outlook client. Without a more detailed error it is hard for me to guess why you are getting this error.

dexxtr commented 4 months ago

I also can't get any details from Outlook client :( Or maybe somewhere in the system logs?