Sicos1977 / TesseractOCR

A .net library to work with Google's Tesseract
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Use on non-windows OS? #46

Closed psimsa closed 9 months ago

psimsa commented 9 months ago

Just wondering - is there a switch somewhere that would allow me to use the nuget on Linux? ("bring-your-own-linux-compiled-binaries" kind of thing)

Sicos1977 commented 9 months ago

It should work on linux. If I remeber correctly it will try to search for the tesseract files with an .so extension. But what you can do is turn on debug logging and see where it is trying to find the leptonica en tesseract stuff. There should be no issue with the C# code because that is build to work with Windows, Linux and MacOS.

Sicos1977 commented 9 months ago

Any updates?

Sicos1977 commented 9 months ago

No response ... closed.