SideChannelMarvels / Tracer

Set of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation and visualization tools for execution traces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Including register values in the trace #8

Open gitttt opened 8 years ago

gitttt commented 8 years ago


In your paper you write:

It is also possible to record the content of CPU registers but this would slow down acquisition and increase the size of traces significantly

Does this mean TracerGrind / TracerPIN can do it already? Or does it mean, in principle, a DBI framework can do this?

If the first is the case: How can I tell the tracer to include the register values in the trace? If the second is the case: Do you have any hints for me how to extend TracerGrind / TracerPIN to support the tracing of register values?

Thanks for your help! Best regards

doegox commented 8 years ago

Hi Jan

No, the current plugins don't support it yet.

If you are ready to help, feel free to try :) For PIN, see PIN_GetContextReg and PIN_GetPhysicalContextReg You can also have a look at IDA Pro idapin plugin sourcecode:

For Valgrind I've no idea. Best regards

gitttt commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the hints and the instant answer!

gitttt commented 8 years ago

What format would you suggest for a (hypothetical) trace including register values? E.g. the name of the register in ASCII text followed by the value in 'raw' bytes?

doegox commented 8 years ago

hmm you're talking about the bin log produced by TracerGrind?

For TracerGrind, see trace_protocol.h and add a MsgType in the enum, e.g. MSG_REG and a structure e.g.

typedef struct _MemoryMsg
    uint64_t exec_id;
    uint64_t ins_address;
    uint8_t regnamelength;
    char* regname;
    uint64_t length;
    uint8_t *data;
} RegMsg;

To reduce trace size, try to log only the registers that were written to, if any

For TracerPIN in human format, e.g. sth like this, one line per written register:

[X]       105        0x402586                                                        rax                size= 8 value=0x0000000000000028

([R] is already taken...)