SidharthMudgil / mini-projects

Curated list for mini projects in Android, Flutter, Java, Python, C++, and Machine Learning
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Documentation request #2

Closed SidharthMudgil closed 10 months ago

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

I would like to request that the README file for the repository should be improved to make it easier to navigate and understand. The current README file does not provide any information about the repository. It would be helpful to have a more comprehensive README file that provides a clear overview of the repository, including its purpose, How to navigate to for particular projects.

aryangavit commented 10 months ago

Hey can you assign me this issue

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

@aryangavit Assigned it, Create a easy to navigate documentation...

aryangavit commented 10 months ago

Hi, regarding your "Feed App" project, can you give some brief points about it, I am not familiar with kotlin.

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

It's a jetpack compose app that uses paging3 for showing infinite scrollable posts ...

Also, currently your documentation all apps are in single readme... Should it be like seperate readme for each folder or what?

For example clicking on Android projects should go to android/readme....

aryangavit commented 10 months ago

It's a jetpack compose app that uses paging3 for showing infinite scrollable posts ...

Also, currently your documentation all apps are in single readme... Should it be like seperate readme for each folder or what?

For example clicking on Android projects should go to android/readme....

Yes, if you want a separate readme files for each android, flutter ,C++, Java, ML and scripts then I can do that. Then I'll create a table of contents on the main readme linked to subfolders readme.

aryangavit commented 10 months ago

Hi, regarding your "Feed App" project, can you give some brief points about it, I am not familiar with kotlin.

Can you pls do the same for your "Memepur" app

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

Hi, regarding your "Feed App" project, can you give some brief points about it, I am not familiar with kotlin.

Can you pls do the same for your "Memepur" app

App for showing jokes from different categories... user can also add new category and add jokes to existing categories

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

It's a jetpack compose app that uses paging3 for showing infinite scrollable posts ... Also, currently your documentation all apps are in single readme... Should it be like seperate readme for each folder or what? For example clicking on Android projects should go to android/readme....

Yes, if you want a separate readme files for each android, flutter ,C++, Java, ML and scripts then I can do that. Then I'll create a table of contents on the main readme linked to subfolders readme.

That'll be great

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

@aryangavit can you make all the projects in table in each type... like for android make it name(which is also link) | description and for main repo just something like below

Repo name

description about repo

Table of context

in projects section add like

aryangavit commented 10 months ago

@aryangavit can you make all the projects in table in each type... like for android make it name(which is also link) | description and for main repo just something like below

Repo name

description about repo

Table of context

* projects

* how to contribute

in projects section add like

* android

* flutter

and then they should open the respective readme and then for each also include similar for example: Android Projects small description

table of context projects installation

for android projects use [manual installation only] simmilary for others



Table of contents



Projects Description
Basic Phrases This app allows users to learn basic phrases in different Indian Languages.


Projects Description
Expense Tracker Your classic expense tracker app with all the necessary features.

How to Contribute


Did you mean something like this in the main file? I don't know what to add in How to Contribute and Installation section, would it be okay if you fill that out, I'll create a template.

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

Yes but in main readme only show the category, the installation part show in the specifically as you made in the table... with category as heading, then description than all projects and the installation part

aryangavit commented 10 months ago

Yes but in main readme only show the category, the installation part show in the specifically as you made in the table... with category as heading, then description than all projects and the installation part

Sorry but I'm not getting what you want, can you create a small template of it in markdown, so that I can understand it better.

SidharthMudgil commented 10 months ago

In man readme

Mini Projects

About the project....

Table of Content


In Android readme

Android Mini Projects


Table of Content


name + link summary

