Sidoine / Ovale

An add-on for World of Warcraft that displays icons based on scripts
MIT License
46 stars 46 forks source link

Can't find icon group #466

Closed Tanneseph closed 6 years ago

Tanneseph commented 6 years ago

Just downloaded the alpha today, and I'm having a problem that does crop up for me every once in a while. I've confirmed the addon is enabled in-game, but I can't find the icon group anywhere. This is a fresh install, so I'm not sure what the deal is. In the past, if this somehow happens, I reinstall the addon, so I don't know what to do when it is from scratch, heh.

Related suggestion: Any chance the options menu could include something like "reset group position" or "move to center of screen." Just thinking out loud.

mwojtkowski commented 6 years ago

Could you tell me with which specialization/class you get that problem with or is it on all of your toons ? You can "reset" position by setting Horizontal/Vertical offset to 0 in Icon goup menu option

Tanneseph commented 6 years ago

I'm a monk, and I just confirmed that it's missing with all three specs. I also checked that the offset was 0, and even moved those sliders around in the offchance that I'd see the icon group slide by, ha.

No luck.

Tanneseph commented 6 years ago

It's here for my Arcane Mage alt that I just logged into! So that's some info.

Tanneseph commented 6 years ago

It's incredibly wonky, though. I don't know if Arcane Mage isn't ready yet, or it's the fact that she's level 38, but the group goes blank when I go into combat. I got ready to attack something with four charges good to go, and it didn't recommend Arcane Barrage, either.

"Ovale: [2424] Division by 0 in ( 0 * total_burns() - 0 + GetStateDuration() ) / total_burns()"

Sorry about the multi-post. Let me know if this info isn't useful, just trying to do what little I can.

mwojtkowski commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately Mage scripts are not updated so you will have errors/missing icons etc.
But monk should work it was one of the first updated specs.

So from what I understand if you click on minimap icon and select script nothing happens ? Can you make some simple custom script and see if icon shows up ?

Something like


AddIcon help=main specialization=windwalker

AddIcon help=main specialization=brewmaster

AddIcon help=main specialization=mistweaver
Tanneseph commented 6 years ago

There was no script enabled by default.... 1) Yeah, I feel kinda dumb. 2) Once enabled, the WW script looks to be solid.

Deeply sorry to have wasted your time. Thank you so much for your work on this.