Sieg-Alejandro / Spotify-Analytics

Web app that lets spotify users analyze their music listening habits
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A potential idea for the application #3

Open siluski opened 4 years ago

siluski commented 4 years ago

It dawned on me earlier. What if we made the application a data base for albums that the user is listening to currently on Spotify. When a user states that they have finished listening to the album, they have the option to either recommend it (Thumbs up) or not (Thumbs down). If they choose to recommend it, the application then suggests albums similar to it using the API. Just an idea but let me know what you think.

Sieg-Alejandro commented 4 years ago

Do you mind elaborating more? There is already a system like that in place within the spotify app. You can like or dislike a song and it adjusts the song queue accordingly. My initial idea was to create a dashboard that allows users to visualize their listening habits. I think we should have recommendations alongside it though.

Sieg-Alejandro commented 4 years ago

The Spotify API Link: Lets see what data we are able to obtain and what we can do with it

Adrian-Semeniuk commented 4 years ago

My ideas -Login with spotify login, -login screen disappears once your logged in, A record spinning animation thats colorful and modern(maybe there is a gif out there already we can use) starts and you can hear audio with your recent songs. -then you can navigate to what your listening too, how long, what genres etc. -then using your spotify data, have a find new songs like this option, kind of how spotify can already do when you use the song radio feature.

Sieg-Alejandro commented 4 years ago

-Login with spotify login,

This is standard/required (

-login screen disappears once your logged in, A record spinning animation thats colorful and modern(maybe there is a gif out there already we can use) starts and you can hear audio with your recent songs.

This is really cool. Im sure we could easily finesse this

-then you can navigate to what your listening too, how long, what genres etc. -then using your spotify data, have a find new songs like this option, kind of how spotify can already do when you use the song radio feature.

Check this out

Adrian-Semeniuk commented 4 years ago

-then you can navigate to what your listening too, how long, what genres etc. -then using your spotify data, have a find new songs like this option, kind of how spotify can already do when you use the song radio feature.

Check this out Oh didn't know this even existed but yea this is existentially what I was thinking, I have some ideas for animated transition though. For Example you have a Logic song and you want something similar you could click songs like this and a juke box comes up, the logic record goes in and then a new record comes out with recommendations, not sure on that yet though but just things im thinking of.