Sienci-Labs / gsender

Connect to and control Grbl-based CNCs with ease
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Y axis problem #525

Open philhape opened 5 months ago

philhape commented 5 months ago

System locks up when I jog the Y axis. X and Z work fine. Y axis works fine when I run a file. Only problem is when I try to jog the Y axis

mattydboom commented 4 months ago

I get tis too but only when using the corner homing buttons shown below:



Everything is set correctly and runs fine otherwise (Homes fine with the normal $H Command etc.).

I think I know where the error is though.... seems to be linked to the fact the Y-Axis is reversed on my setup, and the command line generated for these buttons gives a negative direction when it should be positive.


The result being that the soft limits are (correctly) being triggered by the incorrect value.

Put anther way, I think the coding hasn't taken into account the limit switches being on the negative end of the Y-Axis travel.

Breaker911chhh commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem, but for me the issue only occurs when I try and continuously jog the machine in the y axis. I can single click to move in the y axis and it works just fine. The only time it "locks" up is when I click and hold to jog in the y axis. X and Z axes work both with single click or click and hold.

SienciLabs commented 4 weeks ago

@philhape @mattydboom @Breaker911chhh how are these issues for you now with recent 1.4.10 version of gSender?

mattydboom commented 4 weeks ago

@SienciLabs just checked 1.4.10, and all these buttons are still throwing up alarms when pushed. It seems the directions requested in the gcode commands are all wrong..... and so triggering the soft limits. The values seems OK just the fact they have incorrect + or - prefix's.

Perhaps related to the fact the button containing the 'Home' symbol is shown as top right, where my machine actually homes to bottom left (as below). It is all set up this way in the FluidNC config.yaml file and homes correctly otherwise, so not sure why this doesn't get pulled into these buttons correctly..... but if this can be altered/fixed then perhaps the triggering of the soft limits could be avoided.


mattydboom commented 4 weeks ago

@SienciLabs to assist with the above I am attaching my config file as while I appreciate it is not associated with your controller offering, I figured it may help you to identify / understand the problem. I have had to change to .txt format to allow upload.


Let me know if I can be of any other help.

SienciLabs commented 3 weeks ago

Ok thanks @mattydboom. In your situation I can see why this is causing issues, since we still don't offer official support for FluidNC so gSender has no ability to read the yaml and determine your home location. Because of this, it's defaulting to the top right corner for homing and then the corner button values are getting the wrong sign as you said.

In this particular case it might not be something that's resolved anytime soon because we still have such a large backlog of work to do and feature requests for controllers we already support. Perhaps if you or anyone else with some coding chops would be able to contribute to the code base with a new FluidNC 'controller' (there's infrastructure we've implemented in gSender to handle behaviour differently based on the controller a.k.a firmware) then this issue for your machine would be able to be more fast-tracked. The file you attached is useful for reference in either case so thanks for responding 🙏

mattydboom commented 3 weeks ago

@SienciLabs ah I see, and good to know the reason. I would love to see FluidNC supported as I know it has become a very popular firmware for DIY hobbiyst machines. I fear my coding skills are far from up to scratch however, so will see if anyone on their discord forum that uses GSender is willing to input.

That said - could it be a simple option under the firmware to include a 'FluidNC' or 'generic' controller option that, once selected, prompts you to simply pick the homing location. I note that most (if not all) other homing related information is already dragged into the firmware section successfully..... so with this last bit of information by user input, all homing buttons could work as intended 😊

SienciLabs commented 3 weeks ago

Interesting idea - though since there's also been other feedback on FluidNC support then perhaps community-built support for it might not be too far off. Either way I'll keep the thread open for now and your idea in mind