A collection of SigNoz dashboard templates in JSON format for monitoring popular services such as MySQL, MongoDB, APM, JVM, and more. Easily import and customize these dashboards to visualize your application’s performance and metrics with SigNoz.
PR: Istio Monitoring Dashboard with OpenTelemetry and SigNoz Integration
This PR introduces a monitoring dashboard for Istio in Kubernetes, leveraging OpenTelemetry Collector to ingest metrics into SigNoz for comprehensive insights.
Kubernetes Cluster: Ensure it's installed (local or cloud).
Istio: Install on your local machine.
OpenTelemetry Collector: Deploy with otel-config.yaml for metric exports.
Key Configuration
Prometheus Receiver: Collects metrics from istio-mesh and istiod.
Processors: Adds environment tags to metrics.
OTLP Exporter: Sends metrics to SigNoz with secure token access.
Create namespace:
kubectl create namespace istio-observability
Apply permissions via otel-collector-serviceaccount.yaml, otel-collector-clusterrole.yaml, and otel-collector-clusterrolebinding.yaml.
Install OpenTelemetry Collector:
Copy code
helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts
helm install --namespace istio-observability opentelemetry-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector -f otel-config.yaml
Dashboard Overview
General Overview: Total requests, request rate, latency, error rate.
Traffic Management: Request distribution, load balancing, circuit breakers.
Performance: Latency percentiles, throughput, response times.
Errors: HTTP error rates (4xx, 5xx).
Resource Usage: CPU and memory of Istio components.
Control Plane: Pilot config syncs.
Data Plane: Envoy metrics, inbound traffic.
/claim https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/6025
PR: Istio Monitoring Dashboard with OpenTelemetry and SigNoz Integration
This PR introduces a monitoring dashboard for Istio in Kubernetes, leveraging OpenTelemetry Collector to ingest metrics into SigNoz for comprehensive insights.
for metric exports.Key Configuration